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"And we really have to find out that you and Bright are dating through his instagram post? I thought we are friends, Ai'Win!"

"I told you. We. Are. Not. Dating!" Win protested, emphasizing the last four words as he adjusted his air pods on his ears. His friends freaked out upon seeing Bright's post so they texted him and they all agreed to do a video call.

"Then what are you doing looking at each other in the photo as if you're going to devour each other? And the caption, Win. The freaking caption!" Pleum said, his voice a little chappy since Win was in his room and he couldn't get a good signal.

He stood up and went near his window to get a stronger signal, the morning sun greeting his face. "We are, uh, still testing the waters? Yeah, something like that," Win answered.

"I should have known something was going on between the two of you!" JJ said.

"Guys, calm down. Win is old enough to decide for himself." It was Khaotung and being the only one who knew Win's feelings for Bright, he tried to help Win explain things to their friends.

"Oi, Ai'Khaotung! You didn't even tell us that you know something. You owe us a lunch treat dude! " Pleum said accusingly.

"Lunch treat my ass! It wasn't my place to tell guys. You should know that Pleum, I didn't tell them you had a girlfriend before and you guys already broke up but Win and JJ still don't know about it."

"What? You little shit! Why didn't you tell us?" Win said upon Khaotung's confession.


"That's for another time, Win," Khaotung said, saving Pleum from his own hot seat. "But let's go back to you. Are you really not dating yet?"

"No, like I said, we're still testing out the waters. I like him, okay? That's clear as fuck. But this is all new to me too."

"Just promise us you won't keep anything from us again, Win. You know you can always talk to us right?" Pleum said.

"I know, I'm sorry for not telling you," Win said. "Hey Ai'Pleum, you should promise the same thing too! When we see each other again, this first thing that you're gonna do is tell me and JJ about your girlfriend."

"Ex girlfriend," Pleum corrected him.


"Shit, my mother's calling me already. I think I need to go now. Let's talk some other time. And Win?" JJ called out, "We'll support you in whatever decision you make."

Pleum and Khaotung agreed and their call ended. Win was glad his friends were mad because he didn't tell them about Bright, not because he liked boys. Well, one boy. Bright was the only guy he found attractive.


"Are you sure you don't want to go with us in Korea?"

Win's mother was checking her bag before leaving for the airport. They were planning on opening up a business in Bangkok and they needed to meet their business partners but they were not in the country. They couldn't wait for them to come back because the processing of the papers would take a long time so they needed to do it as soon as possible. The trip will also serve as a celebration for the couple's 21st wedding anniversary.

"I will be fine, mae. Don't worry about me."

"I still have an extra ticket," His mother said, hoping that her son would change his mind. "It could be our family trip too."

"I don't want to ruin your honeymoon, mae," He said jokingly which earned him a gentle hit from his mother.

"Honey, you won't be ruining anything. We'd be very glad to have you with us on this mini trip to Korea."

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