Special Chapter: ManType (Part 2)

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The summer hadn't ended yet, but Type's vacation already did. He needed to go back to the city and go back to his reality again; his summer paradise was already fading away. His employer didn't mind him having a vacation leave but Type was worried that if he stayed long enough, his pile of work would only grow and the one who'd suffer would be him. Besides, he still needed to process some papers and think more about his resignation in order to take over his father's company.

That morning, Win and his parents bid them goodbye. He thanked his uncle and aunty for their kindness in welcoming him once again in their home. It was just two weeks yet he felt like he had spent the whole three months of summer here in the resort. He had gotten close to Bright's friends and his chaotic relationship with the three rascals even grew more rowdy. And of course, another person made this summer unforgettable too.

He tried to run away from Man, but the younger guy was always trailing behind him. The only time he stopped was when Type was asleep or he was with Win.

"I'll get off here. Thank you, Boss. See you," Type shut the car door, carrying his bag on his shoulder. Him and Man were the only ones left. Khaotung, JJ and Pleum got off first already with the promise of keeping in touch.

He was startled when Man got off too, waving goodbye at Boss. "Bye! See you in a few weeks!"

"Do you live in this area?" Type said to the man whistling beside him.

"Nope," Man said and continued to whistle.

"Then why are you getting off here with me?"

"I know you don't live in this area. I wanna take you home."

"Do you have a car?"

"No, but you're taking the bus right? I'll ride with you." As if on cue, a bus stopped right in front of them. The door opened and Man gestured to the doorway, "Right after you, P'."

Type got on the bus and found himself a seat. Man followed him, plopping down beside the older guy. Type didn't spare him a glance; he just stared at the moving scenery before him in the bus window.

Type had always been like this. Even after the night he told Man not to stop pursuing him, he had always held himself back from anything that Man tried to do. Man understood Type; it was already enough for him that Type let him near. Before their midnight picnic date and unplanned confessions, he felt like Type would always growl at him every time they see each other.

Man stared at the hands of Type that were resting at his thighs. He hesitated at first, knowing Type could throw a fit or punch him when he made one wrong move but he needed to try. He slowly moved his hands and reached for Type's.

The older man stared at their overlapping hands before asking quietly, "What are you doing?"

"Pushing my luck," Man said boldly.

Type didn't move but he didn't push Man's hand either so he took it as a sign and fully grasped the older guy's hands in his. Type's hands were soft, and he loved how Type's small hands perfectly fit in his.

Man was never the type of guy to believe in love at first sight. He thought of it as a silly belief for those love sick idiotic friends he knew but the moment he saw Type, he realized his friends weren't lying. He felt his world move in slow motion and when Type smiled at Arm who was celebrating his birthday at that time, he could see sparks fly.

He spent that night following every move of the older guy. He didn't know his name yet and he was too afraid to walk up to him and ask him. He could see a couple of girls and even guys throwing flirtatious looks and winks yet he thought the stranger was very oblivious of this; he just kept on laughing in one corner with his friends, Man's seniors, and didn't seem to care about the rest of the world.

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