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"You like Win."

"What?" Bright almost choked on his drink when Win's older cousin approached him, immediately throwing a bomb on him.

"You like my cousin." There was certainty in Type's voice. What he said wasn't even a question, it was a statement.

"I...well, it's kinda obvious isn't it?" Bright answered as he gave a small smile to Type.

"Well, if you would calm yourself down and not look at him as if you could eat him alive, then it wouldn't be that obvious," Type smirked as he looked at the younger guy. He played with his bottle of beer before speaking again, "I think everybody could see except Nong Win himself."

"He is dense as fuck, P'. Does it run in the family though?" Bright said and it was his time to give Type a knowing look as he smirked. "Do you think I don't know about you and Man?"

"What about me and him?" Type said, his voice getting a little bit defensive. "I'm here to talk to you about my cousin, not your stupid friend."

"Sure, P'," Bright said, the smirk never leaving his face.

"I'm serious! Wipe that damn smirk off your face." Type hit Bright's shoulders before adding, "Besides, I'm impressed Win isn't as wrecked as I thought he would be when he broke up with his girlfriend."

"He had a girlfriend?" Bright said. This was new information about Win; they never really shared or talked about their past relationships. It was always about their family, or friends, or what they do in Bangkok but never about their ex lovers.

"Nong Win didn't tell you?"

Bright shook his head at the older guy.

Type saw curiosity on Bright's face so he continued. "Based on how his friends described it, he was practically...a mess. He was nowhere to be seen and he often stayed by himself at his dorm. I was really surprised when I got here and he's so cheerful. I was expecting to see him still in the state of how his friends described him to be."

"He never said anything to me, P'. But let me guess, Pear is the name of his ex girlfriend, am I right?" Bright remembered the first night they went out to drink and he heard a very drunk Win calling out her name as he softly sobbed on the pillows.

"Yeah." It took a few seconds before Type directed another question to Bright. "Do you have plans on confessing to him?"

"Maybe, I don't know P'. He might freak out with the fact that I'm a guy. I've been flirting with him since day one but he's still oblivious." It was his turn to chug his own bottle of beer as his eyes lingered on the guy laughing loudly with his friends.

"Well nong, try and you'll see the miracles of doing something rather than not doing anything. Besides, if you don't make a move now, somebody else will," Type said as he patted Bright's shoulders.

Bright could see concern on the older guy's eyes and he completely understood why Type just threw a major bomb on him. Win had told him they grew up together and they're basically brothers.

"I'll try my very best, P'Type. Thanks," Bright said before adding, "Try yours with Man too."

"Ai'Bright, you little shit!"

Bright replayed the conversation he had with Type the night they went out to drink. It was unexpected but he was thankful that he learned about Win through his cousin.

He was taking his time in getting to know the other guy, letting Win be comfortable with him around. But as soon as he saw the guy that Win was talking to two days ago, he felt threatened. He saw how he looked at Win and it was pretty obvious he was attracted to the latter. He figured that Win was a very attractive person so if he wanted to keep him for himself, he needed to step up his game and get his shit together.

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