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Win wasn't in a good mood that day. First, his sun burn was starting to peel off and it was hurting like fucking hell. Second, his favorite cookie dough chocolate chip ice cream was not available in the ice cream parlor shop. And third, he hadn't seen Bright for two days now.

He tried to compose a message to Bright asking where he was and then he'd realize that it would be weird. Why would he be looking for Bright when even his friends, Man and Boss, weren't?

That's because they know where he is, stupid.

He didn't try to ask them either. All he knew was that when Type asked them where Bright was, all they said was he was off somewhere but he'd definitely be back.

When?! Win wanted to ask them but he didn't. He didn't want them to get suspicious about him.

This was all new to him too. He never liked a guy before although he wasn't against the idea. He had just realized his feelings for the only guy he liked and then poof, Bright was suddenly gone, just like that.

"Your mother texted me. They said they'll be extending their stay at Chiang Mai," Type said as he joined Win on their little sofa.

"Why didn't she text me instead?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm a better son than you are. And please stop sulking, go out and do something fun!"

"I am not fucking sulking, P'!"

"Yes you absolutely are, Nong. Don't even try to deny it."

"Besides, my skin is peeling off. I can't risk getting sunburn again." Of course what he said was a lie. He loved the sun and it wasn't the first time he was getting a sunburn.

"Just admit that you don't want to go out because Bright isn't here. And you're being bitchy because you haven't seen him." Type pointed out before adding, "and he hasn't texted you yet."

Win was more furious now. He wondered why Bright didn't even tell him he was leaving even if he was coming back after a few days. A text would do but Win hadn't received any.

"Why would he text me anyway?" he wondered out loud.

"Great point," Type said. "Have you even told him yet?"

"About what?"

"That you like him."

Win scoffed. "How could I? He's gone."

"Are you going to tell him when he comes back?"

"If he comes back."

It was his cousin's turn to scoff at him. "He definitely will."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Just a hunch."

Win could only roll his eyes. He heaved a sigh before going back to his phone, his fingers still hovering at the inbox of Bright. He badly wanted to ask him where he was but he couldn't find the strength to do so.

"You miss him, don't you?"

Win didn't need to answer his cousin's question. The answer was obvious. It was written all over his face.

"Just call him and tell him you miss him. Or tell Bright you like him instead. I bet he'll come running back," Type teased him.

"What makes-"

"You like Bright?!" Khaotung said, appearing out of nowhere. "Did I hear it right? You really like Bright?"

"No," Win said, his voice small. He was a little embarrassed and felt a little exposed. He didn't know how his friend would react if he knew he liked guys- well, guy. Just one.

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