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"My head fucking hurts. Fuck!"

"Shut the fuck up! Your whining adds up to my pounding head!"

"Both of you shut the fuck up!"

It was early in the morning and they were at the resort's breakfast stall. Win's friends were vigorously rubbing their heads, hoping to chase the throbbing away.

"Hey, stop cursing and eat your damn soup. It'll help with the hangover," Type, who didn't drink as much as Win's friends, was the only calm one. He was enjoying his own cup of hot chocolate and some omelettes while JJ, Khaotung and Pleum ordered a bowl of hot soup since Type said it would make them feel better. "Drink some Advil after."

Win, on the other hand, was having his own dilemma too but it wasn't as bad as the three who drank more than they ever did in their entire life. They abused the free booze and were now suffering the consequences. They didn't regret it though; hangovers would pass but they could never say no to free booze.

"Where were you last night, P'?" He asked his older cousin as he sipped his hot latte.

"Just around," Type briefly replied.

His older cousin kind of disappeared after their little talk last night. Type was older than him and he had been to the resort a few times already so Win knew he wasn't lost and didn't think about it much. He did notice though that his cousin couldn't look at him and... Is P'Type blushing?

"Yo yo yo guess who it is!" Boss walked in and sat beside Khaotung. "Oh, you guys look like dead meat. Do you guys have a hangover?"

"You don't?" JJ said, surprised at how enthusiastic and cheerful Boss was. JJ was sure that Bright's friends drank way more than they have yet they looked so... normal, unlike them who have been cursing nonstop for the past five minutes about their pounding head.

Win saw Bright and Man walked in, the former taking a seat beside him while Man took a seat beside his cousin.

"Nope! Eh, you guys are kids! We only had a few drinks and you're dying already?" Boss said as he called for the waitress. "I'll order what they have." He pointed to the soup the trio was eating. "Your soup looks appetizing." He said as he winked at the pretty waitress.

"I'll have a clubhouse sandwich and some latte too," Bright said.

"Stop copying my meal!" Win hissed to which Bright raised his eyebrows only as a response.

"I'll have what he's having," Man said as he pointed to Type's omelette and hot chocolate. Win couldn't help but notice that Type was furrowing his eyebrows ever since Bright and his friends walked in.

The waitress nodded and jotted down everything, asked the group if they needed anything else and when they said no, she happily strutted away.

Soon enough, their meals arrived; they were all silent for a while, each of them enjoying their breakfast after a night of bottled beers and a morning of throbbing headaches.

"How long are you guys staying here?" Win asked Boss and Man, trying to engage in a conversation. He had gotten close with Bright's friends overnight and he was glad that he had more friends to interact with even if it was just for a couple of weeks.

"A week, two weeks max," Boss shrugged. Life here is so fucking good, I could live here forever but I gotta do other stuffs with my family too."

Win learned that Boss' parents were full blooded Thai but lived outside the country; they had a couple of businesses here in Bangkok though. It was where he met Bright since he grew up in the states too. He chose to study here in Bangkok because his parents were planning to let him take over their businesses here once he graduates. It was also for him to learn the environment and culture of Thailand so he'd know what strategy to use when he'd take over their business.

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