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That was the first thing he heard Bright said. Win needed to blink a few times and even rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He pinched his skin and muttered, "Ow," but the slight pain he felt was nothing compared to the happiness that was beginning to spread on him when he realized that it was indeed Bright.

Bright's here! In front of me! He's here!

Bright continued to look down at him, his hands on his knees and his back crunched. On normal days, Win would have blushed and looked away. But it was different now; he tried to take in every feature of the boy who was looking at him. He tried to see every corner of his face, the face that he had missed the most for the past three days.

He bit his lip before mentally sighing. When Bright smiled at him and dropped his gaze, Win moved to sit up. Bright sat a few inches away from him and Win badly wanted to fill the gap but he figured he shouldn't move too fast. Bright was here, and that is enough to tell Win that the latter might be giving them another chance, another shot.

"Did you just arrive?" Win said in a small voice as he looked straight ahead at the ocean.

"Yeah," Bright said as he brought his legs towards his chest and hugged it. He was in his casual city clothes- ripped jeans, shirt and some old Chuck Taylor sneakers but he sat down at the damp sand as if he was wearing his beach clothes.

"W-why did you come here?" Okay, that was the most stupid question Win had asked but he just wanted to make sure, and make things right this time.

"Frank left a few things here. I came back to get them."

"Oh," Win said, disappointed with Bright's reason. Regardless of that, he was still thankful that Bright is here. At the very least, he could apologize and maybe, just maybe, get a chance to talk about them.

"And I wanted to see you," Bright added and it made Win snap his head towards the latter.

Win tried to bite his lip to hide his smile but he just couldn't do it; his lips automatically lifted upon hearing Bright's words. "Bright, I'm sorry. I really am. I was an asshole and I lashed out and- I just- Frank told me everything and I feel so bad about it." Win tried to make his voice less desperate but he couldn't help it; he needed to get these words out of his mouth.

"I know. Frank told me he explained my side since I wasn't there."

Win nodded. "He saved your ass," He tried to joke.

"As he should. I saved his ass a lot of times before."

Win contemplated, a little bit hesitant on his question but he asked it anyway, "Are we okay now?"

He wanted Bright to look his way, he badly wanted to see him look at him again with that admiration in his eyes. But Bright only let out a small laugh. Instead, he stood up and Win traced his every action with his eyes. He was surprised when Bright took his shirt off.

"Bright, what are you doing?" Win asked as he watched Bright unlatched his wrist watch.

Bright didn't answer but he turned to face Win. He looked down at the other guy as he unbuckled his belt and Win's eyes widened in surprise.

"Um Bright, why are you-Oh my god," He said as he gulped when Bright took off his pants and the only cloth that was covering his body was a thin piece of black boxers.

"I promised you something two months ago, Win," Bright said, his eyes serious as he put his hands on his hips.

"What promise?" Win tried to steady his eyes on Bright's face but that was really hard to do when Bright was almost naked in front of him.

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