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Type, along with Win's friends, decided to stay one more week. Type had already informed his boss and since he was a diligent worker and he seldom files for vacation leave, his boss assented to Type. Bright's friends decided to extend their stay too and they had decided that they, together with Win's friends, would go back all together to Bangkok. Boss brought his car which was big enough to fit at least eight people.

It had been a week since they arrived and Win had never been alone since then. His friends would join him in his morning jog and they would spend their afternoons and evenings on the beach, casually eating chips or just playing under the sun.

Bright and his friends would often join them too. Their circle of friends grew big and he couldn't help but notice that a couple of ladies, even guys, would turn their heads every time they would pass by, especially if they're dripping wet or half naked.

It was the usual hot afternoon on the beach and Win was seated on the shore, his wet beach shorts accumulating particles of the sand and his hands laid behind him to support his half tilted body. He had now come to love his newly tanned skin, thanks to the frequent afternoon swimming and volleyball games he had spent under the sun with his friends.

Bright, who just woke up, joined him in watching at their friends who are now waving at them from the ocean. "Why haven't you joined them yet?"

"I did. I just like my skin to soak as much sun as it could though. Look-" he said and showed his exposed chest to Bright, "tan looks good on me, doesn't it?"

Win didn't miss how Bright's gaze lingered on his body, tracing every skin and muscle that was visible to him. He raised his eyebrows when Bright gulped before answering, "Yeah, tan definitely looks good on you."

Win only hummed as a reply, trying to ignore how Bright affected him. Ever since that little talk he had with Type a week ago, he wasn't able to act normally around Bright anymore. He didn't know if he really liked Bright, or he was just jovial about the fact that he made a great friend during his stay here at their resort, but he was making him feel things that he should not feel towards Bright, towards his friend. Different thoughts swarmed his head and he was trying to put the puzzle pieces together little by little.

"I'm going to a local market tomorrow. Just wanna look for some stuff and souvenirs for my friends back in Bangkok. A change of scenery too," Bright said as he ran his fingers through his soft hair.

How would it feel if I'd be the one running my fingers through his hair? He mentally slapped himself upon the sudden thought. "Tired of the beach already?"

Bright chuckled softly before replying,"I'd never get tired of something I love."

"Yeah?" Win answered.

Bright nodded before adding, "Wanna come with me?"

Win thought it was a good idea. He hadn't been to the local market and he figured he could fetch some souvenirs for some of his friends back at the uni too. "Sure. Let's all go after breakfast tomorrow."

"No, don't invite them."


"I wanna go with you. Alone."

Bright definitely wasn't helping him in his confusing situation. Win was still contemplating his feelings and here was Bright, spitting idyllic words at him.

"Okay," was all he could muster. He might still be figuring his feelings for Bright, but he sure was excited for their little escapade tomorrow.


"You are definitely going out on a date with Bright, Nong Win."

"P, for the nth time, it is not a date!"

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