Chapter 1

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My life is.... well what can i say? Dimitri left me to be with her... Tasha. I used to care about him but then i found out that i was going to have a baby girl, Dimitri's child. So when he comes back into my life, i have changed a lot.


I open the letter that arrived from Court this morning.

Dear Rose,

I need your help, Striogi attacks are rising , the royals need protecting and... well lets just say all the guardians are not up to speed in training, and i know about your Moljina marks so i need your help to train ALL dhampir guardians. At the rate, we are going, the Moroi royals are becoming extinct.

Please come to court ASAP , my jet will be waiting for you from the moment you recieve this letter, as there is a small camera which allows me to see where you are. Please come! I'll let your puppy come aswell!


Queen Vasilisa -Lissa!

I sigh and shout up to my daughter, Roxanne.

"Roxanne pack your bags, we are going to see your aunt Lissa!" I yell up the stairs. I get changed into a black vest top, black leggings, lace up combat boots with a tight zip up hoodie in... you know what colour , Black! In 10 minutes, Roxanne, Roxy for short, has got her bags ready. I whistle and a pure black puppy padds in and jumps in my arms. The puppy is mine that Roxy got me for my 20th birthday. Its always just been me and Roxy on our own. The puppy is called Lilly. I clip Lilly's lead onto her collar and we jump in my landrover to the airport.

5 hours later, the plane sets down onto the ground. Roxy has fallen aslepp and i hoist her onto my hip and she sleeps over my shoulder.Lilly is quietly and calmly trotting by myside. I slowly walk down the airplane's steps and look up. Lissa is grinning and her array of personal guards stand firm around her.

"Rose!!!!" Lissa shouts and i smile weakly and wake Roxy up. he jumps out of my arms and runs to Lissa.

"Awntie Lissa!" The 6 year old jumps into Lissa's arms.

"Hey Roxanne!"

"It's Woxy." Roxy wraps her arms around Lissa's neck.

"Roxy take Lilly." I hand the dog's lead to her and turn to Lissa.

"Rose!" She spins me around in her arms. "How are you?"

"I'm fine you?" Lissa nods her head. I take the chance to look at her guardians: Eddy, Christian and... Demetri!

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