Chapter 3

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I wake up as the sun starts to rise. Slowly getting out of bed, I pull on  my usual outfit- leggings, top, fitted hoodie and my combat boots in plain black. My long black curly hair hangs loosely. I quietly apply thick black eyeliner and apple and honey lipgloss. There’s a knock on the door and Lissa is standing there. 

“Hey Liss.”

“Hey Rose, you ready for day 1?” 

“Yeah, you?”  Lissa grins. 

“We’re having breakfast, wanna come?” I hold a grumpy Roxy and make my way downstairs with Lilly in defence mode at my side. Christian comes and takes Roxy off me and starts feeding her food. Lissa’s guards stand casually around the kitchen and Lilly growls threatingly at them. 

“Lilly, calm.” I tell the puppy but she decides she wants to attack Dimitri. Jumping off the counter, I grab her collar and haul her back before her sharp teeth meet the target. “Lilly.” I sigh. Its alright to attack Dimitri when Lissa is not there but hey, he is a guardian after all. 

“You should train her you know.” Lissa smirks. 

“Lilly, get master a can of coke.” I command Lilly. She obediently trots over to the fridge, with her nose opens it and retrieves a can of diet coke. She jumps on her back paws to me and I take the can from her mouth. “You were saying?” I hug the puppy. 

“Here’s your files for today.” Lissa picks up a paper folder and I open it to find various sheets of paper. “You start with the advanced guardians, then 6th period which is the last class, it the beginner guardians that have just graduated from the academy’s. There are 30 in each class, 15 boys 15 girls.”

“What exactly am I teaching these people?” 

“How to defend their Moroi, fighting targets, life and death situations, stamina, speed, recovery, healing. Everything the physical type of things. You start in 10 minutes, alright.” She explains. I take a swig of coke and jump down from my position on the counter. 


“Court is modelled like Saint Vladamirs, exactly like it.” I nod and take off with Lilly at my heels. I enter the training room which is massive and leads to a field with a running track. 


Start Of Class-

“So, you are my first class as you are the most experienced guardians out of the hundreds of you summoned here. Is that correct?” I sit on the table by the wall covered with mirrors. It must have once been used as a ballet studio. The 30 guardians sitting in front of me nod their heads. I stand in front of them. “What’s the most important, your life or your Moroi you’re guarding. A girl raises her hand and says,

“Moroi.” I nod my head. “I’m going to be pushing you hard, pass your limit out of your comfort zone to ensure that your Moroi are safe against the Strigoi. But, do not be scared of me, or what I will do. At the end of the day, we are on the same team, fighting for the same reason. So to start with, 25 laps of the track sprinting. If you’re not fast enough, you have Lilly chasing you.” 

“As if that little cute puppy can harm us!” A muscly boy that reminds me of Emmett from Twilight calls out. 

“Lilly attack the dummy.” I point towards the metal dummy in the corner of the room. Lilly bites and mashes it to pieces and in less than half a minute it resembles dust. “Think of her as a Strigoi now I’ll give you a 5 second head start. Go!” I yell and they take off. I let Lilly chase after them and follow after. 

“That’s harsh.” Lissa says pointedly behind me, I’d almost forgotten that they were there: Eddy, Dimitri, Christian and Lissa. The whole gang. 

“No, it isn’t.” I shake my head. “After I had Roxy, I had to get back in shape and I was doing 75 laps non-stop sprinting. Think that’s harsh?”  I turn back around as they come back in sweat pouring off their faces. “Pair up, one person wear pads, one gloves and.... well you know what to do.” They start punching each others hands harder and harder. At the end of the lesson, they are lying on the floor exhausted and out of breath. I pull them up gently and send them on their way out. 

Sorry for the late update!!!!!!!

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