Chapter 8

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I place my head in my hands and let my silent tears slowly drip down my face. After 10 minutes of this, i walk into the bathroom and wash my face, getting rid of the dried tears and red eyes covered with wet tears. I apply bronzer and eyeliner before stepping out and moving to sit on my desk. There's a knock on the door and i have a feeling it might be Dimitri so i yell at the door.

"Go away!" Then, a girl enters the room. To say she looked like me was an understatement. She had gorgeous long black hair that went to her waist and she was beautiful. I smiled at her.

"This isn't the Moroi wards." I softly tell her, she's as beautiful as a Moroi should be, i was an exception to dhampirs. 

"I know, i'm looking for a guardian Hathaway?" She leans forward timidly. 

"Yes, thats me. Why are you here?" I say bluntly curious to know. 

"Um... Princess Vasilisa asked me to find guardian Hathaway and ask her to come to her room. By the way, i'm a dhampir." I chuckle quietly and jump up from my seat on the desk.

"She said for me to come with you." The girl shrugs her shoulders nervously.

"That's alright. What's your name?" We walk out in the courtyard. 

"Guardian Wehr, but since as i'm not actually guarding anyone yet, my name's Cheyenne. But you can call me Chey." 

"So, Chey what brings you here?" I ask.

"Well, i just graduated from Saint. Basils in Russia. I don't actually know if it is in Russia?? Then, the princess called me and i came here. I only just scraped through the test though. When i was a bit younger, i used to hear about you and i was inspired, you're my role model." She looks away flushing slightly.

"Chey, i don't know what to say." I murmur. We come outside Lissa's apartment in the Moroi ward. 

"You don't have to say anything." She playfully pushes me. I shove her back and pretend to 'fall back'. To my sucess, she reaches out a hand to pull my up and i use it to flip her over on the ground, laying next to me. I hear a slight giggle and look up from my sprawled position on the floor to find Lissa bursting into a fit of laughter against the door frame.

"What's so funny?" I grin.

"Guardian Wehr's face." She sniggers. I quickly turn my head to find Chey doing mock killing me and killing herself. 

"So are you just gonna keep me on the floor or help me up?" I sigh. Lissa nervously moves her hand forward and i use it to pull my self up properly. I look down at Chey.

"What're you waiting for?" I roll my eyes, laughing. She hauls herself up and we make our way into the Lissa's room. On closer inspection, i see Eddie standing by the kitchen door, Sparky stretched out on the couch and Dimitri standing silently by a wardrobe so you can barely see him, only if you concentrate. 

"Roxy?" I turn to Lissa. 

"In my bed, asleep."  I walk into Lissa's room and find,  just as Lissa said,  asleep.  Smiling to myself,  I pick her up and Roxy wakes. Her face looks at me confused but then she focuses on my face and has a big grin on her face. "Hey Roxy, " I sling her on my hip and sit on the couch.

"So what did you want to talk to me about? " There's an mysterious glimmer in Lissa's eyes.

"Nothing just wanted to talk to you alone. "

"Lissa,  I'm not an idiot.  Eddie is hiding behind the kitchen door and Dimitri is by the closet AND Sparky is on the couch so do not say we are alone." I huff.

"Nice one mum." Roxy high-fives me. I laugh at her.

"How'd you know that? " Lissa raises an eyebrow.

"I learnt from my father. " I say casually.

" who's your dad again? " Eddie yells from the kitchen in a muffled tone. 

" Do you really wanna know? " I yawn back in my seat.

"YES! " They all shout, surprisingly Dimitri does aswell. As if to answer their question,  my iPhone starts ringing. 

"It's grandad! " Roxy squeals and tries to steal the phone off me. I hold my hand over my head and press speaker phone and accept the call.

"Dad." I say briefly.

" Rose,  how are you? "

"Fine old man,  you?" I grin.

" Fine,  fine. Is Roxy with you? "

"Yep." I move the phone to speaking distance towards Roxy.

"Hi Gwandad, "

"Hi Rox,  have you learnt to say my name properly yet? " I can practically hear his excitement in his voice. 

"Yes A-b-e M-a-z-u-r-e." She says proudly.  I look up to see everyone with a shocked expression.

"So what are you doing now old man? " I am currently in a car,  coming to see you. In fact, look in the throne room."

"What? " I yell. He disconnects.

" Let's go see the old man, " I mutter and we all make our way across campus to the throne room. I yank open the doors and there he is, Abe.  He's wearing a flashy suit and a Hermes gold scarf wrapped around his neck. I shift Roxy to sparky and walk towards him.

"Old man!  Long time no see huh?" I grin behind him.

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