Chapter 13

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I wake up to hear an loud banging noise on my room. I hate mornings. I grumpily swing open the door to find Alberta with a pile of clothes on her arm.

"Change into these." She points me into my bathroom and i pull on the various clothes. My uniform conists of tight fitting black leggings, a black long-sleeved top and brown knee high lace up combat boots. I apply black eyeliner, red lipgloss, blusher and silver eye shadow. Taking my hair out of its pony tail, i leave it loose and curly. I step out of the bathroom and turn to Alberta.

"Perfect... wait you forgot your weapons."

"Weapons?" I raise an eyebrow. Yes, i finally learnt how to. Alberta hands me 2 guns and 3 stakes. 

"Why guns?" 

"They are infused with spirit, a shot to the heart would kill them instantly. Like a stake but much more effective and useful." She explains. 

"Anything else?" 

"Yes, you get a horse."

"Why?" I quickly say.

"The horse is um... half strigoi, half moroi." 

"How does that work? Why don't they turn on us?" I am seriously confused.

"They are faster and stronger, any Strigoi that tries to kill them, is unsuccessful. They cannot be killed by Strigoi, they only die when their master dies. Its like a life contract."

"So, if i die, the horse dies too."


"How will the horse bond with me, how will it know that i'm its master?" 

"When you meet your horse, it will come straight up to you and bow. We need to go to the field now to find your horse." She leads me out of the dormitory. I get fearful looks from people as we pass them.

"Why are they scared of me?" I question Alberta.

"Its because you are dresed like you are, and they know you are armed." I snort and roll my eyes with laughter.

"Wow, call them courageous." I snicker. Alberta says nothing but takes me to a grassy field that i've never seen before at the academy. Tens of horses dot the field in groups. 

"Look for one that catches your eye, then go into the paddock and wait for it to come to you." Alberta murmurs next to my ear. I scan the landscape and my eyes latch onto a jetblack horse. Its shiny black coat shimmers in the light of the breaking dawn. TWILIGHT!!!! His muscles ripple with every move he makes and his flowing mane and tail cruscades down his side. His pure ebony eyes look at me with such fire it feels like i'm standing next to an open bush fire. I pull myself over the fence and jump down on the other side. He turns his head away and then runs straight towards me. Just as i think he's going to run me over, he comes to a block stop in front of me. His knees shake a little and he dips his head into a bow. 

"Impossible." Alberta breathes next to me.  

"What?" I don't bother to look at her, focusing on the horse.

"You've tamed him, your horse is called Black Spirit for a reason. He's wild and reckless and almost unhabitable. He's one of our youngest horses, 3 years old. 15hands high, a strong stallion. Reminds me of you when you first arrived: Like a wild animal thats been let out of its cage for the first time." I stretch out my hand and he licks it, shaking his head playfully. Alberta hands me a head collar with a lead attached to it and i nervously clip it on. 

"Black Soul, is now your responsibility, every morning you need to look after him, clean, groom and ride. When the times come, you will have to pursue your enemy on horseback. Now, we need to give you a quick riding lesson. Your father rides all the time so i can only hope that some of your fatthers skills will come in handy." I walk alongside her with Black Spirit. I decide to give him a nickname, Black Spirit is way too long to call all the time. So... Spirit would do. I tie him up to the railings that Alberta points too and look at leather on the side. A... saddle and a bridle i think hangs on the side. Hesitantly, i slide a saddle rug underneath the saddle before hoisting it on Spirit's back. Next was the bridle which was made up of stiff metal buckles which i tighten up. 

"You're a natural." Alberta comments as she watches me with hawk eyes. She hands me a black velvet riding hat which i carefully clip on before taking his reins and pulling down the metal foot thing...stirrups. Putting my left foot in the left stirrup, i haul myself up and swing my over leg over the side so i'm balancing even. The reins i tighten and put my thumb over the top before pulling my left hand so he turns to face Alberta. 

"So... how do i ride this thing?"

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