Chapter 17

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"Well well well, The Rose Hathaway how can we help you?" The Strigoi's voice fills the room.
"I need some more blood." I collapse back into the chair.
"You're a dhampir.... wait the rose Hathaway is strigoi." his face smiles.
"Get over it, I need some more blood the academy's population wasn't enough for me," I growl and prop my feet up on the meeting table.
"What about your little Moroi friend the queen? You would never kill her. don't try and fool me." he snarls.
"Ever heard of acting classes? I took them since I was 3 and pretended to be the snobs best friend, erghh! Was that annoying." My stomach twists as I force out the words calmly.
"I'm starting to believe you." He leans back and talks to someone offscreen.
"What about that little relationship with your mentor.... I seem to recall you bring in love with him."
I show no emotion and let out a cold heartless laugh.
"Really? You bought that? Eww... No gross. it was a cover story so I could get closer to Vasilisa as ever before." I examine my nails.
"I see, so you still love him?" I swing my legs off the table and lean towards the camera.
"Queen Vasilisa Dragomir, Guardian Belikov, Lord Christian Ozera and many more have been assassinated, does that answer your question?"
"Ah yes, Lord Ozera, what was your nickname for him? Sparky? Why?"
"It was for a good reason," I chuckle.
"So Belikov is no longer a threat?" He confirms.
"Yes. Although I must say his blood tasted disgusting... all those years of Russian vodka has killed his blood cells numbless." I pull a face. The Strigoi peals with laughter.
"You need more blood,eh? Where do we meet? My army will be happy enough to meet you, all of us."
"Outside the gates of the academy, 3am 2 days time. Bring as many people as you can, big groups at one time make it easier for me to manage things."
"Of course, you will be promoted to Princess Strigoi for killing the Queen Moroi. I'll bring all my men, there will be 700 of them. I can not wait."
"Me either," I smile and shift around in my seat.
"Are you in discomfort?" He looks concerned. I think quickly.
"The blood is just like sloshing inside of me." I complain.
"You'll get used to it. So... you killed The Last Dragomir and Belikov?" He leans forward again.
" In fact I sang 'We R The Champions' while doing it and danced around their ashes, they are worthless to me... like dirt on the ground in a high street." I flick my hair back.
"Top marks for being traditional with the dancing around the ashes. Until we meet again Hathaway." he bows his head.
"Call me Rose," I wink.
"Goodbye.... Rose," he ends the call. As soon as the screen is closed down, I sink into the chair.
"For once in my life.... can I ask you a question?" I look to Alberta sitting on the side full of shocked people.
"What?" She manages to stutter out.
"Can I please take this make up off!" I groan. I ignore everyone else's stares that have been boring into my face the whole call. Seeing as no one is moving, I get up and walk to the trailer. Paul smiles weakly at me and passes a remover wipe to me. I take it gratefully and un pin my hair. The door knocks and in comes Lissa, Eddie, Sparky and Belikov. They just stand there looking at me.
"What?" I focus on removing the mountain of layers of foundation from the right side of my face. After using about 2 wipes, I can see my tanned skin and someone decides to talk.
"I'll bite first, how did you act like that?" I look up from my scrubbing to see Sparky speak first.
"From brief observations of Strigoi, they are confident, ruthless and are big afraid to speak their mind. Finally!" I smile as I successfully remove all foundation from the right side of my face.
"The talking was quite hard to do. I had to think on my feet and let my mouth just go." I take off my eye make up and the right but of. Ever So gently, I prise of my right eye contact leaving my left side of my face Strigoi.
"Did you mean what you said?" A small voice whispers behind me. Lissa. I spin around in the chair. Narrowing my eyes at her, I speak.
"I said before I started the call, don't take it personally I didn't mean it." I twist round to face the mirror again.
"Lissa, I was thinking of Mia when I was describing you. Sparky, I don't think you want to know what I was referring to you about. Dimitri.... The Russian vodka i learnt from Adrian." I take off All my make up including the contacts and get changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie and the boots. I leave them standing in the trailer.

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