Chapter 15

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My eyes snap open and I pad my way to the alarm clock, 6:00. I might as well get some riding time in while I can. I get changed into a duplicate of my clothes yesterday; black leggings and a long sleeved crop top with my brown knee high lace up boots. reapplying my make up from yesterday I make my way into the cafeteria and see them (Lissa, Eddie, Sparky and Dimitri) all sitting at a table in the corner huddling together. I buy abag of apples and make my way pass their table and into the yard taking a bite of my apple. When I get to the stable door, I offer Spirit an apple before quickly tightening his bridle and saddle on. Excusing the helmet, I swing my leg over the other side and click him into a slow walk. I give him a long rein and let him relax into the walk. I hear the sounds of people climbing onto the observation railings but I don't look up. Gathering up my reins, I urge him into a brisk trot, letting his leg muscles warm up. on the sandy arena floor is 2 jumps about a meter high each and some poles distributed evenly on the ground. when we reach the corner, I turn Spirit into the poles and he neatly trots over them before giving a victory buck, almost unseating me. I laugh and he turns his head almost to look at me. I grin at him and press him into a canter, lining my focus on the brightly coloured poles. the first jump is a pole one, the second is an old tree trunk. Shortening the reins enough for Spirit to register the notice of an jump, he snorts before cleanly popping over the poles and then professionally clearing the tree. I slow him down to a trot before circling him in the middle. Reaching out into my pocket, I retrieve the stake and release it calmly allowing it to hit the middle of the mirror beautifully again. Spirit falls to a stop and I let go of the reins allowing him to cool down his strained neck muscles. Swinging my legs over and firmly landing on the ground. I peer into the railings to see who it was that was watching me.

"You were really good." Lissa smiles.

"Yes, so were you at spying on me." I shoot back, her smile falters.

"I didn't mean it..."

"What you say is done, no reversing it." I sigh before looking at them again.

"I'm busy now."

"With what?" Lissa shouts.

"You shut me out all your life and you never let anyone inside so what's wrong with you? Well I know. why you are so annoying, wild and a pain to be around is because you never had a mother and you never will." Lissa bellows. everyone looks at her shocked.

"If that's what you think of me, then..." I mount up again, click Spirit into a canter and jump over the railings as easy as the jumps I was just practising.

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