Chapter 9

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Roxy jumps from my arms and stifles my dad - Abe- in a huge hug.
"Hey little one," he grins.
"Old man, may I ask where is my hug you idiot." I raise an eyebrow. he swoops me up in a breath-taking hug.
"Dad. Can't.Actually.Breathe." I manage to stammer out and he steps back. "Ow." I stretch out my arms.
"Here, I um.... thought you might need a new one." Abe passes me an the new iPhone.
"Love ya dad!" I pocket the phone.
"So what are you doing here?" I ask curiously.
"I came to see my Roxy" he ruffles her hair.
"So you travelled more than 2,000 miles just to see her?" I sigh.
"No, not exactly Mr. Ivaskov wanted me to give you this." He hands me a small box wrapped in pink.
"Pink." I say and toss it in the air neatly catching it. I hear a cough behind me and realise that Dimitri, Lissa, Sparky and Eddie still behind me.
"Oh yeah, dad this is Eddie, Christian, Lissa and Guardian Belikov." I point to them in turn.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all, can Roxy stay with me tonight?" Abe asks me. I nod at him.
"Grandad!" Roxy wraps herself around his legs.
"In that case, we'll leave you two alright?" I walk out of the room before kissing Roxy on the head. We all trail into my room silently and we sit on the sofa. I rip open the present from Adrian and it's an diamond necklace. I walk over to the window and pull up the curtains to let a little sunlight into the room.
"Rose?" Lissa stands up. I lift the jewellery into the light and concentrate carefully. Then, I see it.
"It's a love charm," I groan and dial Adrian's number on my old phone. He answers on the first ring.
"Little Dhampir!" I can hear him say cheerfully.
"Nice necklace." I say sarcastically.
"Ya killed it didn't ya."
"Not yet ,"
" I don't know why , you seemed..."
"Shut it," I yell in the phone.
"But," I throw the phone against my wall and it smashes. Everyone looks at me.
"What?" I roll my eyes and make my way to training.

Hi guys,
I know the chapter is quite short but I am writing it on my NEW iPod touch that I got for Christmas and it seemed long when I wrote it. I will promise to update ASAP probably tonight. plz comment and like and I'll update tonight, thx for reading and sticking with me for so long. xxxxxxx

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