Chapter 2: Shaynike & Rekness

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Shaynike’s favourite places were ones where she could be alone with the wind. The best place for that at the Academy was along the roof walk of the western wing. It overlooked the forest beyond and the Steelwash River below. The deep valley channelled the gusts and sent them roaring up the big flat side of the building, blasting her face and sending her bushy brown hair flying. The sensation was always invigorating. Often exhilarating.

No other pupils shared Shay’s blustery habit. She suspected three chief reasons. One, they were scared of being swept off their feet to a horrible death (unlikely). Two, they shunned the very idea of wind as many Massese children did (stupid). Three, they didn’t want to mess up their hair (also stupid).

On this particular morning, she was sitting on the top step of a short staircase with her back against a door. A nice wind was starting to pick up and she had some time before the morning lecture, so she decided to practice her Farsight Artwork.

It wasn’t easy for her, but she embraced the challenge so long as she could practice alone. She had spotted a tiny blue figure on the other side of the river, standing on one of the many grassy hills that crowned the southern cliffs. She focused her thoughts on it and felt the familiar tug of energy aligning inside of her. The thin crystal buried above her modest left breast buzzed softly.

Her vision wavered, blurred, then came back into focus. The figure in the distance wasn’t any closer. She tried again. This time when her vision swam back into focus, she could see a little further, but she was looking too far to the left. She was about to give it another go when she was shoved from behind.

She shrieked and leapt down the stairs as the opening door pushed her off her stoop. With a graceless stumble and some awkward arm flailing, she managed to keep her feet.

“Monarec!” she cried, half laughing, half angry. Her best friend was always messing with her in one way or another. She spun around to face the culprit and gasped so violently she nearly choked. The person in the doorway was absolutely not her chubby friend.

Looking as shocked as she felt, towering above her in the arch of the doorway, stood Rekness Locktree, Luminary of the Western Wood. That particular honorific was, of course, entirely made up – something that Shaynike and Monarec secretly bestowed upon the handsome boy. He was no more a Luminary than she was a Guardian, but to imagine him as just another pupil at the academy seemed... unworthy.

Shay was keenly aware of the blood rushing to her face. Rek just kept goggling, and she heard her mouth say, “what!”

Great opener! It was better than throwing up on him, at least.

He buried one hand in the thick rush of black hair that coursed over his forehead and fixed her with shining green eyes.

At the exact same time, they both blurted, “I’m ­–” then went back to staring at each other. Shay was pretty sure her face was hot enough to cook an egg.

Rekness seemed to gain his composure after that, which only served to soften his features and thus kick her blush up another degree. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was up here. I came to see the river. From up high.”

She nodded. There was probably a response required. Instead she looked out over the wall and down at the river. Say something say something say something! Her mouth opened, then closed again. She looked back at him and nodded some more.

“You know, I think I forgot something in my room, I’m going to... yeah.” He backed away, and then came forward to grab the door handle. “Sorry again!” The door slammed shut.

Shay stood there for a little while, the wind tossing her hair this way and that. She came to realize that it probably looked insane, then remembered that it was stupid to worry about what her hair looked like, then remembered what had just happened.

“Hi, my name is Shaynike Cliffland! Call me Shay. The view of the river is fantastic from up here, you should check it out more often!” she said cheerily to the closed door. “Was that so hard?” She slumped against the battlement, buried her head in her hands and wondered if she’d start to cry. Or laugh.

Neither happened. She stayed that way for some time, until the faint taste of fieldberry blossomed on her tongue, signaling that the morning lecture was beginning soon. She pulled herself up, straightened out her simple purple dress, and crafted a shard for Monarec.

‘Just ruined my whole life I think. By way of a riveting conversation with the Luminary of the Western Wood.’ She let some of her emotional fatigue bleed into the shard and then sent it up.

The taste of chocolate in her mouth was nearly immediate as Monarec responded. Shay let the shard flow into her.

What?! Tell me tell me or I’ll die!’ came the response, tinged with unabashed thrill. The classic Monarec overreaction helped to improve Shay’s mood. She opened the door that Rek had closed so eagerly and made her way down.

Well, first he nearly knocked me into the river...’ she sent.

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