Chapter 36: Rekness & Monarec

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Rek was getting sick of the Grand Library. He was there sorting through endless books with Stoneworth half of the time. He was meeting with Sila at least twice a week to try and figure out the MoonLunarFire, which was coming along slowly. It was almost a relief whenever he had to go to the High Lecture Halls in order to do Dance prep with old Minyel.

Almost. The grouchy old tutor was just as pissy as ever, always reminding Rek about the flashstepping, or the rules, or tradition. Also, the room reminded Rek of his encounter with Faevock, which always made him confused. He’d feel guilty, then curious, then excited, then back to guilty.

He did, however, trick old Minyel into helping him with his MoonLunarFire by bringing up the notion of blending Wayfaring Artwork with other things. The topic seemed to interest his aging teacher, who would sometimes give him tips or even demonstrate how to do simple blends. He used this information when working with Sila.

They had taken to meeting in the evenings so that Rek could learn, then practice after the moon had come out. It made sense, he supposed, though it didn’t feel like it was helping any. He even tried practicing outside a few times so he’d be in the moonlight itself. Still, the best he was managing was to move the tugging itch in his arm up to his shoulder.

Sila had advised thinking of Shay, or hanging out with her, or mindtethering with her. But not even this had really worked. Plus, Shay was so busy lately. He knew he could do it on his own anyway.

It was this resolve that let him tolerate the stupid Grand Library. Like it or not, he did feel that it was easier to focus his Artwork in the place. That’s what he was trying to do when a shrill voice broke his concentration:

“Hey, Rekness?”

He looked up from where he was sitting. It was Shaynike’s fat little friend, Monarec.

“Hi. I’m kinda–” he began.

“I don’t mean to bug, I don’t, um. But, I was hoping I could, … like maybe, um...”

She was really struggling to say something. She twisted this way and that, unable to meet his eyes. Rek remembered from back before he was with Shay. Some girls (and a few boys) would act this way around him. It usually meant they were crushing on him. Oh great, just great, he thought. He had never figured out how to get out of it. Usually he just smiled, said something easy, and waited until they ran away.

“What’s up?” he said.

“Um… sorry. Gosh, you’d think I’d never spoken to a person in my life, huh.”

He smiled.

“I guess, I mean, we’ve never really spoken. I am making it supes awkward, yes. Is it less awkward now that I said it out loud?” She started to laugh.

Go away go away, he thought, and said: “Ha, I dunno.”

“Maybe I should have sent a shard first. But they say you barely answer those anymore. Not that I was like, doing a background check on you. But right – there’s that awkwardness again. ‘Tis not becoming of a lady.” She stopped twisting, and took a deep breath. “Okay. I am here before you, to… suggest that maybe we hang out. Because, you know, you’re coupled with my best friend and maybe we could chat about things since we both have said mutual friend. I mean, I haven’t really seen or spoken to her for, like, a while and I suppose­– ”

“I’m kinda busy,” he said, which was what he had wanted to say in the first place.

“Oh. Well of course, yes. The Dance, the Dance, yes. I wouldn’t… yes. Okay!” she said, and turned to leave.

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