Chapter 48: Shaynike & Monarec

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Eight pupils crowded around the spire door on the western wing’s roof walk. They were arranged in a rough circle. Some leaned, some stood, some sat cross-legged on the ground. Overcast skies made the night sky darker than usual. Sounds from the Mountain Dance Eve parties and wonderments drifted up from the town below.

One of Luminary Northridge’s Fistshields was patrolling along the same roof walk, but they kept their distance after determining that the children were no threat. There were a lot of little gatherings on this night – pep talks, parties, goodbyes, wonderments, and last minute signal changes, to name a few.

“You invited the Crown Artyss, to join us, yes?” said Krickgree. The sandy haired Crown Guide was relaxed, confident, almost disinterested.

“He said he’d-a be pretty busy with prepping tonight,” Affsol said.

“This doesn’t count as prep?” asked Zak, lounging between the merlons as usual.

“That’s the same excuse I got when I sent the shard,” Shay said. It was the only shard she’d gotten from him since speaking to him in the library. She hoped he was okay.

“It’s getting late, and most of you have a big day tomorrow,” Monarec said.

“She’s right, we should get started.” Shay sat straighter.

“You sure they’re cool?” Zak indicated the twins, who were playing with their Softshadow orbs a few paces away.

“They’re part of it,” said Shay.

“It’s your show.”

Shay took a moment to reflect on that. It felt so strange, and yet here they all were. A council, if the term could be used. She presided on the steps, her back to the door.

“Okay,” she breathed. “Okay. Mona’s right, we gotta downcycle soon. So let’s keep it quick. Krick, Faevock is still suspicious of Ella?”

“Jealous, furious, manic – you name it. I don’t think she ever fully believed Ella’s initial denial,” Krickgree said. “With me hinting that Ella plans to snatch Affsol away from her, and with Affsol having spent a disproportional amount of time with Ella in the past few days, Fae is stressed to the max.”

“But of course, I’ve-a been meeting with Ella to sow concern ‘bout the wonderments.” Affsol said, winking.

Shay nodded. She looked to WeeSeu, who was sitting on the ground in front of her.

“I too have been brewing a storm around the wonderments, and convincing Lady Boulderin that my opinions have been… shifting,” said WeeSeu. “I’ve been placing some blame on the lack of a Songmaster.”

“How frustrating it must be,” said Mona, grinning.

“Add a few rumors about Faevock’s intention to backchannel the council’s decisions,” said Krickgree, “and it all adds up to a very upset Head Caterer.”

“Who thinks that Fae is still seeking revenge,” finished Shay. She turned to Zak: “You’ve been keeping tabs on any private shardtrade between Ella and Fae?”

“Best I can,” he said. “I mostly tried to convince her to not believe a thing the witch says, if she says anything at all. If the two worked it out in private, Fae’s hiding it from even Flek. The bitch is mad.

“It will-a be a Dance to remember, I say,” said Affsol. “If I survive the crossfire, that is.”

Shay gave him a grateful smile. “You are the lynchpin of this, Affsol. If you want to back out...

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