Chapter 10: Sila & Rekness

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The climb went without further incident, and Sila found his room with the window unlocked and open a crack. She vaulted in.

The boy’s room was plain. Nothing beyond the necessary was present, beyond a few books, a stone carving of a family, and the big painting above the desk. Sila perched herself on the foot of Rek’s bed and let her cloak shift back to blue.

After some time, she heard voices outside the door. One was upbeat, talkative. That would be the Dreamwater Coast boy: Affsol. She frowned and hoped that they didn’t plan on coming in together. That would certainly complicate things. The other voice was muffled and mumbling. Rekness.

The door opened a crack and stopped. She heard Affsol say, “cycle well ya superstar ya!” The voice was moving further away. Good.

“Yup,” said Rekness, and stepped into the room.

They stared at each other for a moment. She beckoned. He didn’t move, but allowed the door to snick shut behind him.

“It’s okay Rekness. I won’t take much of your time.”

He continued to stare. She couldn’t tell if he was simply stunned, stubborn or being coy. She drew off her hood and loosed her hair, letting a thick column of pinkish white locks cascade around and past her shoulders. It was a gesture that often won her some affection. Rekness appeared to be immune.

“You’ve had an exciting couple of days, haven’t you?” she tried, turning slightly to face him and tilting forward so he had a decent view of her chest. Finally, his eyes wandered. He flushed and met her gaze again.

“You know me?” he half spoke, half choked. Progress.

“Know you? You’re the most famous pupil in all of Tomecliff Pass Academy.”

“How did you get in here? This is the boy’s dorm.”

“Are no girls allowed?” She pouted. “I came to give you your fortune.”

“You – but, you... my fortune?” He blinked several times, and then something clicked. “You’re that Lurecrafter they say has been going around?”

She sketched a little bow, generous again with the tilt.

He circled the small room over to his desk and chair, keeping the distance between them. Rek put one hand on the chair’s back and appeared deep in thought. She followed him with her eyes and waited.

“Fortunes,” he said slowly, “fortunes aren’t… real.”

“No? What do you know of the Lurecrafter Sect?”

“Gypsies,” he said immediately. Then, realizing the faux pas, rushed to add, “and alchemists. Accomplished alchemy and, and uh... they’re seers, and uh...”

“And how exactly would you describe a seer, my dear?”

“Uh, I uh, I guess... uh, well.” The blush returned and he shifted from foot to foot.

She let him off the hook. “Fortunes may be a bit of fun Rekness, but the ability to anticipate the future is something that is taken very seriously.”

He nodded eagerly.

“Powerful Artwork is required to master the skill, of course. Have you ever known truly powerful Artwork, Rekness?”

He brightened visibly, and said: “I can do Icevein. Even some Sluicestep. Even before my birthright they said I was able to control it. Icevein I mean. I learned Sluicestep from scratch from old Minyel. He’s a pain, but he knows a lot of stuff. I’m going to take the Path of the Crags for my scholarright.”

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