«Chapter 2»

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The Magicknight Entrance Exam

6 months past which means six months of training with our grimoire,the day finally came and this is where the real 1st step on becoming a sorcery emperor/empress begin

"Woahhh!!! The castle is so big!!" You said with your eyes beaming in delight as you went from different stores mostly sweets and buying it in a fast pace and Yuno was the only one who's dragging you out of it,you still can't believe how new things are around you

"Come on!Let's go to the examination area!!" Asta said dragging you and Yuno while he was eating some weird looking purple snakes

"Grimoire please" the man in the counter said

"Yuno from Hage" Yuno said blankly as he showed his glorious grimoire which made the counter man was looking at him awestruck

"A f-four leaf.. grimoire..! Amazing...""

"Y/n agrees with you! He has a 4 leaf grimoire! Isn't that so awesome mister! Yuno is so amazing!!!" You said peeking at the line with glimmering eyes which only grew Yuno's ego after hearing it from you

" y-you're no.164" the man said still staring at Yuno as he left,Asta quickly went forward the counter

"Asta from Hage too!" He said as he almost shoved his grimoire to the man's face

"Uhh... Is this even a grimoire? It's so dirty"

"EHH!?! It's a grimoire! See!" He was now pointing at the faded looking clover,the man was getting irritated as he just let it slide

"Fine geez, calm down. No.165" the man said as asta quickly went to the ground where the exam would took place,you hopped infront of the line excited yet nervous at the same time

"Hello there dear sir,I'm y/n from Hage too! It's a pleasure meeting you" you said smiling at him and welp,the man.... He's speechless! Nothing's wrong with that -,-

'am I infront of a goddess? She's so polite and beautiful '

"Sir are you alright? You're making me worried"

"A-ah yes anyways your grimoire please" he state blushing furiously which made you slightly giggle,you showed him your grimoire and he was confused that it doesn't have any Clover

"It doesn't have a clover, it's just... a butterfly?"

"Oh yes! I'm sorry dear sir but I also don't know why my grimoire is like that,but I assure you sir that it really a grimoire, please forgive me for causing you some confusions" you said bowing down as forgiveness,the man sweat-dropped on how you act so formal but he quickly waved his hand infront of you saying it's fine and that you're no.166, you thanked him as you went to the area where the exam would took place

"What took you so long?" Yuno ask thinking that some boys were troubling you which really irritates him

"The sir in the counter was wondering why my grimoire is clove less, anyways where's Asta?" You ask looking around and you saw birds annoying the examiners, except for you and Yuno

"Wth is these birds?!" A boy said, getting really annoyed by the birds

"Those birds are released only this time, people with less Mana gets more birds on them"

"H-hey look,those two doesn't have any bird lingering around" he stated which gained the others attention

"Oh! It's the country bumpkin that was chosen by the four leaf clover"

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