«Chapter 6»

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Right now Magna-senpai was giving me and Asta a tour around the base,it was really big! I actually can't wait to try the bathhouse while munching my sweets sorry Yuno! Sweets is my lifu,the beasts dungeon was really cool! I think Asta's soul almost left him when I tried petting them but hey! They're like cute lil pups when I pet them! Even licked me which surprised Asta and Magna-senpai,he said the beasts only acted like that to Yami-san their owner and I smelled bad cuz of their saliva and i agree tho. Right now Magna-senpai was leading us somewhere again full of energy when suddenly a girl was standing on the door in our way, she's wearing the black Bulls robe so that means she's also my family!

"Is this where you were?!"magna asked the girl as he then pointed at her looking at us

"Asta,y/n,this one is your equal,she was the other one who was admitted this year"


' "equal" it has such a nice ring to it ' Asta thought putting one of his hand infront of him as he began began the loud introduction,you were currently munching again as thoughts clouded your mind

' I wonder when will our first mission begin. Wait! What if someone has a sweet magic and could make giant gummy bears,milk, candies, berries! I miss the sweet tatoes from Hage-'

"Please forgive this insect! He didn't realize who he was talking to..."Asta shouted making you snapped back to reality to only see him on a kneeling position bowing furiously, lmao XD position 69

"Eh? What happened? Asta?"you asked looking at him as you patted his back as realisation struck Asta as he abruptly stood up almost making you loose balance but luckily magna grabbed your shoulder preventing you from falling as you thanked him as you stand up

"Who the heck are you calling an insect!?!?" Asta asked pointing at her

"The three of us are equals in this order! You being royalty doesn't matter for the least!"

"That's right Asta! You tell her!" You and magna said

"Foolish low born,are words too difficult for you two to understand?"she asked as she then put her one hand infront of him

"Then I'll make you realize the overwhelming difference in magic power." Once you felt Mana forming on her palms out of instinct you immediately leaped infront of Asta arms wide protecting him,a huge ball of water then shoot infront of you, Asta was about to take your arms and let him take the damage when suddenly the ball of water went to magna who was beside the wall

"Eh?" You questioned you and Asta were having a dumbfounded look,magna was ranting on her as she was quite for a minute before saying

"It just happened you're on a wrong spot,who told you to stand there?"

' seriously!? No it can't be.. there's something wrong ' you thought eyeing her suspiciously,magna was ranting at her again saying things like he has higher rank than her,he doesn't care if she's royalty or the Captain's little sis cuz the only reason she's here is cuz of Yami's good graces. What he said was a little too harsh as she became quiet looking down

" That's rude of you Magna-senpai! It's not that-"

"Shut up,I have nothing to do in this order"she said taking her robe off, slamming it on the floor before walking away

"Oi! Where's your apology!?"

"The robe that I/Asta fought so hard to get..."

"This is your room" Magna-senpai said as we entered a not so good looking room.

"How do you like it? The room is small and dirty enough to make anyone cry! But for your information my room is 3 times!"

"This is...

MY ROOM!" Asta exclaimed eyes glittering and crying tears of joy as magna was so confused lmao XD

"Do what you want until a mission comes, you're on your own. Come and get me if you need anything,come on y/n I'll show you your room" Magna-senpai said as we leave Asta who's now cleaning his very own room,wait... Am I getting my own room too?! Eeeek! I'm so excited!! I can now put my sweets there and eat it in my bed and Yuno isn't there to confiscate it hehehe

"Stop your mumbling cuz we're here! Here's your very own room y/n, it's a little bit bigger and neater than Asta so lucky you!" Magna-senpai said and it is true! I was so awestruck and excited for my own room

"I can now store my sweets! I'm so happy!" I exclaimed as i was crying like what Asta did,now I know

"Do whatever you want chibi-chan,just come and get me if you need anything" Magna-senpai said but before he leave I gave him a hug

"Thank you for giving me this room Magna-senpai!" I said before taking my arms of him and went to clean the room as I heard a small hum from senpai before he left

' is it just me or I just saw senpai's face was red? Oh no! What if he has a fever or something? I'll go check on him later '

"Right now I need to let my family from Hage know I passed and to take care of their health and my sweet tatoes!" I mumbled as I began cleaning my room

' This is my first castle. From here on,I'll claw my way up to being the Sorcery Emperor! '


Hey! So uh yeahhh,this is so short I know that and it's cuz of my fuckin keyboard... It's broken and lagging so I would update so very vwery rare now cuz of it! T^T anyways that's all! I still hate life.... Lmao XD

That's all! Innocent potato-chan out!

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