«Chapter 5»

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( Yung buhay pako pero ganto na tingin ng guardian angel ko saken amp HAHAHHAHAH )

Okie the shitty author-chan is just wheezing heheheheh anyways! Lezz go to the chap mAh guyyy!

" looks like you and Asta would have a lot more time together" Yuno said as he sighed, right now  Asta went to the toilet to take a shit and Yuno is nagging you why you didn't choose the golden Dawn with him

"Aww don't be sad Yuno, I'm sure you'll get new friends there! And plus no one would stop me from my beloved sweets anymore heheheheh" you mumbled the last part with an evil grin as Yuno sweat-dropped. You then looked around and noticed something

"Ne, Yuno." You began as Yuno looked at you to see the serious look you have which means what you're going to say is not gonna be a useless things anymore,he them hummed for you to continue what you were just going to say

"That bah-ha dude followed Asta right?" You asked,a second later his eyes then widen as he get what you just meant

Where Asta is taking a long shit out of his ass

' after making me look a like a total fool out there. Do you really think that I would let you get away that easily, Asta? ' a certain bah-ha thought at the door of the entrance of the toilet

' because of you,I was only accepted into the Green Mantis '

' I'm going to take away all your luck! Worst case scenario you'll end up invalid! ' he then took his grimoire out and casted a spell making a lizard shit out of magic, it crawled to the stall where Asta is but before it could even get close a hawk suddenly grabbed it and bruh Iz made of wind


"What are you doing?/ Bah-ha dude what do you think your doing? " Sekke then looked beside him just to see you and Yuno. Yuno has a piss look right now while you were still wearing your smile but your eyes were deadly

' The guy that has the 4 leaf grimoire and the girl with a clove less grimoire! Both of them that the all the captains wanted ' bah-ha thought as he began sweat-dropping,of course he'll be scared! Yuno that has the 4 leaf grimoire that went to the golden Dawn and most importantly you! The clove less grimoire and what scares him the most was your fight earlier. Maniac.

"Haha! I-I was just trying to surprise him! I just wanted a word with him before we parted ways! Saying which of us makes a name for ourselves first."

"Then get lost" Yuno said as you continued

"You're nothing compared to Asta bah-ha guy. I suggest you to go straight to hell or else..." Andddd that left bah-ha shocked and he just left immediately

"Y/n, you're not allowed to say hell anymore."

Author's note: you only know some bad shits like hell and damn,but the word FUCK IS FUCKIN ILLEGAL!


"I'm protecting your innocence at all cost y/n,and how could I do that now if you didn't even choose the golden Dawn with me..."Yuno mumbled the last part as you were starting to wheeze * wheezing intensifies bruh *

"I'm sure they're already waiting for me-"he then suddenly put his hand to your head and smiled

"Don't be so reckless y/n,oh and don't eat too much sweets. If I figured out you didn't follow my rules I'll get angry to you and I know you already know how I get angry y/n" he said as he walked away leaving chu frozen in place,you were literally remembering how Yuno actually took all your sweets and you can't even secretly buy cuz he watchin chu 24/7

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