«Chapter 3»

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" We're going to test you on different things. We the 9 captains will be the one to look what you're doing,and when the test is done, we'll choose whoever we want for our respective squad. And whoever isn't chosen by any of us,please understand that you've failed" masked man ( bruh I like calling people shit things sorry ) said

"Now then..."

"Your first test is to fly using that broom" he added as his companion took a broom,sat on it,and slowly the broom floats!

"Anyone who can control their magic can do this. This is the most basic form of movement magic there is to a sorcerer"

"If you can't fly a broom, you're not worth looking at."

"Woaaa! Masked man is Savage!!" You said pointing at him,some contestants giggled at you while some were.. ermmm... let's just say they're like Yuno. They then quickly tried riding the brooms, some contestants started flying with their brooms. Welp not all tho heheh

"Nghhhh!" ( Fuck my mind! I think different )


"Holy Shit!!"


Some of them are struggling as fuck! Yuno was just standing at his broom flying like a cool dude he is tho

"Go Asta!!! You can do it! Fly like them!" You cheered raising your fist to the air as some people think your kinda crazy that you yourself didn't even use your broom and just cheering asta who's struggling the most

"Oi y/n! You're a contestant too so you better ride that broom or else..." Yuno said getting down a bit,not the ground just in mid air... I'm bad at explaining XD

"EHHH!?!? Or else what Yuno!?"

"I'll steal all the sweets you have" he said,he knew he can fucked up but he also knew you well that you won't hurt him that badly. Shadows then forms, covering your eyes and you were gripping the handle of the broom that made a cracking sound, the contestants and the captains noticed the sudden changed of the girl,the people around you moved further away from you in case that you started killing someone while Asta was calming you down

"Oi Yunooo!!! How many times do I have to tell you to not use any sweets for blackmailing or whatever!?"

"Asta..." Asta then stopped rambling things to Yuno to look at you,you were now back to your normal cheerful self and Yuno and Asta sighed in relief that you actually controlled it. Anyways!! Everything went back to normal! Asta was now the only one at the ground as all of y'all flying, Well. You. You riding the broom like your surfing! Flying everywhere at full speed

"Woohoo!! Ne Yuno!!! Look! I'm like a witch!!" You said but more like shouting, basically you're like Asta...

"With this alone,we can tell how much you understand the inner workings of magic."

"And this year... We have some outstanding ones here." Masked man mumbled that only the captains can hear eyeing Yuno who's just a cool potato he is and of course you. The potato girl full of energy

"It's the bumpkins again."

"I guess the four leaf clover and the clove less grimoire chose them with a reason" two contestants mumbling to each other looking at the two of you when suddenly they noticed someone


It's none other than Asta mAh guyyy!!! He was still at the ground struggling,his broom didn't even flew even an inch from where he stood

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