«Chapter 7»

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It was already morning in the base. Asta woke up going outside to piss cuz he doesn't know where the bathroom is and the whole interior just changed! I dunno wot exact time already but who cares! Wot chu need to know reader-chan is that it's morning already, good morning to the peeps who hates morning like me XD anyways!! I'm rumbling things again fuck.

"Hm? What's that sound?" Asta muttered still half awake as he went to where the sound is! Speaking of sound! Wot kind of sound is that ehh?~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) just kidding! This is a book for all ages😇 or is it?~

When suddenly a huge ass ball made of water hit him, it's not really that big I'm just overreacting òwó

"What the hell was that?!" Asta questioned abruptly standing up and looking where the ball of water came from there he saw Noelle practicing her magic to a tree. The grounds and other trees are already fucked up yet she didn't even manage to hit that SINGLE tree.

"Why c-can't I hit?"

"W-what I want to hit..?" Noelle muttered panting heavily,eyes getting wet from the tears that's starting to form. Oooh wet and panting heavily ehh~ dammit! I'm really innocent! ಠ◡ಠ I can't write a story without theseeee heheheheh

I never meant to give birth to a defect like you

You can't control your magic?

What's with that dirty tome?

Are you really royal?

All of those blade like words are the things that keeps saying to her. It hurts her so much most importantly...

When it comes to her own blood..

The Silver Eagle is the place for the embarrassment of the family.

You're a fail

"I'm going to..."

"I'm going to make them eat all what they said to me!!!" She shouted shooting the targeted tree again yet it didn't hit,every missed only keeps building frustration and anger inside her. She only wants to be worthy to her family. To control her magic

"Now it all makes sense what happened yesterday.." you muttered yes you're just watching on a tree branch while eating sweets

' She's... '

"Why!? What am I doing wrong!?!" She questioned her magic suddenly went out of control as a huge ass ball of water surrounds her and yes! I'm not overreacting to this one cuz it iz fuckin big ass!!

" Oh wow!" Vanessa said looking at the ball of watah!

" Damn that's a lot of magic power! If we leave it alone this could get ugly " magna said,luck following behind him. I wish luck is always with us too ;-; different luck bro!

" Her magic is out of control " Yami muttered

"If we attacked it with magic the girl inside might die. If we have someone who could nullify magic then..." Just in time you appeared out of nowhere holding Asta

" Then in that case we can use Asta here! " You said pointing at Asta


" You're right chibi-chan " Yami said patting chu as he picked Asta up by the back


" Shut your crap,now is the time to surpass your limits! " And with that Asta flew! Getting his sword out and cutting the shit in half. Getting his sword out.... That's it! Pass me da friggin holy watah!

And that's when Asta thought

' oh shit! We're dead '

He was screaming on the top of his lungs as they were falling but luckily the spatial magic saved them and land on the ground safely


" Nicely done kid! " Yami said pointing at Asta

"Thanks!!" Asta quickly said. You then went infront of Noelle

"Hey.." you began

You're a fail

' they're going to make fun of me again.. ' she thought still looking at the ground not making any eye contacts to them fearing one thing. Making fun of her cuz she doesn't have any control to her magic.

"You're magic is so powerful!! Right Asta!"

" Yea! That's some crazy magic power you have there!!" Asta said more like screaming as you nodded furiously. She was looking at the two of you not believing and questioning what you and Asta just said. She can't form any words right now,but she was shocked to what you two just said. You two...

Just complimented her magic. It was the very first time someone said that to her. And it felt nice

"I have zero magic power so I'm really jealous!!"

"But you know, Asta trained hard to get where he is now! So all you need to do is train like him! Train and train until you reach to the point you can control it and become unstoppable!! " You said forming a fist infront of her in an encouraging form

"Y/n is right! But of course there's no way we'll lose out right y/n!"

"Mhm!Mhm!" You nodded to what Asta said.

"You mean your problem was that you can't control your magic? " Magna questioned stepping infront the squad of the black Bulls behind him " You should have said so!"

"We're the order of misfits,the Black Bulls. We can easily take care of that fault of yours dumbass." He said

"I'm just glad you're safe. Btw there's a restaurant with some delicious Italian,how about me and you go out to dinner one night?" Finral Asked

"Before that you should try eating this!" Charmy suggested

"I'm an expert at magic control,and nothing else. I can show you the ropes as well the bedroom's ropes too." Vanessa stated

"Come on," you started lending your hand out

"Let's get started" Asta continued doing what you did

" On our journey!! "


So uh hi? Yea hi XD so anyways! I'm back! Woohoo! Thanks to my friends who motivated me to not give up on writing they're heroes. And so am vwery sowwy for this shit is so short òwó that's all! It's nice seeing chu again reader-chan!!

That's all! Innocent potato-chan out!

That's all! Innocent potato-chan out!🥔💨

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