«Chapter 9»

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" Huh? What is this? " This is the first thing that magna asked, now ya'll looking at the now all covered mist village,oh and I know I just skipped when they were hunting the bores and well... you see I'm following the manga and I don't slight remembered wtf are they really saying at that time so I just chose the manga since I want the details ;-; anyways! Sorry for the rambling and stuffs hehe back to the story òwó

"The village has some poor weather" asta said which quickly got DEBUNKED by our cute lil tsun-tsun Noelle!

"Dummy, this is magic"

"Ehh?! Really?!?"

"What Noelle-chan just said was totally right Asta! Well you can't actually tell that since you can't sense mana" you bluntly said while scratching your cheek innocently not even realising that you just struck Asta by a nonexistent ass arrow in his poor kokoro

"Even if we do enter through the front,we still won't be able to reach our destination " Noelle stated looking carefully what's in front of her and if you're curious what you're doing then let's just say you're eating like you always do and just watch wtf is happening right now as

' I don't think this is a work from someone who lives here ' magna thought as he ordered asta to cut through the mist

"Don't be silly, a sword can't cut through mist " Asta said waving his hand as if trying to debunk what he just ordered

" Eto,Magna-senpai, I know I'm kinda stupid but how could a sword cut through that? I mean a sword can't cut through mist like Asta just said it's like I dunno? Eating a nonexistent gummy bear? But wait.... This mist is made by someone's magic and Asta's sword can cut or throw back the magic which also means that there is a possibility that he can actually cut through that but since it's made out of air they go back again to their place even if you cut them.. I think so? "You mumbled like literally like deku and they were literally looking at you like how deku's classmates look at him when he started mumbling


"No,no! Y/n you're a genius!" Asta complimented calming your embarrassed chibi form

"Y-yea, you're not really that stupid U-UNLIKE THIS BAKASTA OVER HERE! Hmph!" Noelle complimented even tho she's literally having those pride of hers

"I'm the one that got that idea tho! And shrimpsta you should cut this through already!" He announced as Asta began slashing those thick ass mist! But Bokuto's cake is thicker tho hehe

After a minute of slashing,the four of you saw all the townsfolk sitting together,fear was evident on their faces. And on top of the sky was many sharp glaziers all aiming at the people.

They were begging. Begging for their lives. And some was praying for their lives

When suddenly " Execution "

'No!' Without any hesitation all of you quickly acted,

'I need to save them..!'

Magna used his grimoire to destroy the effin ice that todoroki made —

Todoroki you're in the wrong anime!

Fire magic was building up to your hand charging them before blowing up all the glaziers that was about to kill them

Fire magic was building up to your hand charging them before blowing up all the glaziers that was about to kill them

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{ yes I choose natsu for this,he's just my fav mkay :> }

Of course you made some barriers making sure to prevent someone from becoming a fried chicken


"An order from the magicknights.. has come to rescue us!! " the people then cheered. Feeling blessed 😇

"Oi what's going on here?"

"Ugh... your prayers came to,pops." A boy said,he was crying {of course he's crying! That's obvious my gad, damn my silly ass but nvm ;-; } magna then went to see who the man the kid was crying for but stopped in his tracks when he saw the man's face. The four of you were shock..


A person's life.... was taken so easily.

"You greasy old man! Is this your doing?!?!" You shouted pointing at the dude who was sitting with his devas of destruction!! Fuahaha! If you get it you get it

"I can't believe you gave them more time." He mumbled before looking at his pocket watch

'Looks like the bunny clock from Alice in wonderland! Well I mean it is — dammit y/n! Focus!'

"In 3 seconds,they'll all be executed." He stated before bringing his grimoire out then a fuckin huge ass ball of ice was aiming at all of chu

'Oh shit! I don't have enough magic' magna though when suddenly

"Asta!!" You shouted and with that,he knows.

He leapt infront of it taking his sword out from his grimoire and slicing it in half

"You'll pay for that!!"

Yo! Ok so I'm sorry for not effin updating and this chap is short af... I'm sure yall disappointed XD it's just the school is so hectic today qwq deadline of that deadline of this shit- haysh.. I know I know you're done with all these shits of mine that even the god of the t-pose is done with my bullshit qwq hope you understand and thank you so much! For still being here :>

That's all! Innocent author-chan out!

That's all! Innocent author-chan out!🏃🏻‍♀️💨

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I'm sorry qwq god bless ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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