«Chapter 4»

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" What the..... "

"What just happened?"

"Is that sword....magic?"

"Wasn't he some bumpkin that walked to the wrong place?"

"What is up to that guy?"

The Road To The Sorcery Emperor

" Besides didn't he just say.... He would become the emperor?!" The crowd then was whispering to each other and it's cuz of two things! One is wtf just happened between Asta and bah-ha and two! Asta just said to all the crowd and captains that he'll become the Sorcery Emperor which the participants thinks that he's crazy.

"STOP WHISPERING PUNKS!! I SAID I'M GOING TO BECOME THE SORCERY EMPEROR! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT!?!?" Asta shouted to them as more and more whispers are heard.

"What a fool"

"Seriously not only he is a bumpkin but an idiot too?"

"It hurts to see that guys like this who's head in the clouds and can't see reality."

"Oi stop whispering things like that!!!" You shouted pointing at them lemme remind chu that you're a chibi right now and puffing cheeks in anger which means you're not intimidating or wot, you're like a puppy frowning

"Get the hell out of the damn ring you idiot kid!"

"EHHHH!?!? Who just called me that!?" Asta shout looking everywhere andddd yeaaa that's what happened. People whispering things to Asta and some saying that he should get out of the ring already while you're protecting Asta from insults while waving your arms up and down

"Hmmm... Was that creation magic?" Finral ask

" After looking at all his other tests you wouldn't think he could that kind of power"

"He didn't use any magic" Yami said still looking at Asta while finral looked at him confused

" "I'm going to be the Sorcery Emperor"? We have a weirdo here"

And so! They began to battle each other. The people that were watching the nobles fight each other were whispering on how nobles and the people near the castle have an outstanding power and control oh and take note that you're always munching sweets and right now while watching them fight you're just eating the candies you bought -secretly- outside the castle cuz Yuno is the one preventing you from buying too much saying that you should buy more important stuffs,well for you.... Sweets are the most important thing to you so you buy them! Following Yuno's order!

"After looking at these guys,that shrimp doesn't stand out that much."

"Yea his opponent didn't take him seriously enough" they mumbled as Asta was like struck by a lightning and you almost choked on the candy your eating on what they said

"Can you stop picking on Asta anymore!?" You asked pointing at them

"We're just stating the truth Missy" he said shrugging which made you irked

"Why you!—"

"You haven't found an opponent yet,have you? I'll be your opponent" you and Yuno looked to see a boy walking to Yuno

' he got the guts! Yuno's gonna beat his ass! Need to pray to kami-sama to atleast bless the weird dude ' you thought looking at them with glimmering eyes, let's just says that you're very excited and interested in fights mkay

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