«Chapter 8»

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" So I've been meaning to ask... What does the magicknights do anyways? " Asta asked out of the blue,right now it's been I dunno... Days since you two got in the black bulls? Shit Idunno lmao XD just remember that you've been in this squad for a while now mkayyyy

"Now that you mentioned it Asta,that thing made me wonder again! What does a magicknight do? " You questioned after finishing the whole ass meat that charmy shove in yo mouth

"Seriously?! You two are seriously asking that!?!" Magna asked totally shocked bout the two boke infront— well not really.. you were beside him so he was looking between the two of you. You and Asta just nodded furiously. Magna who was infront of Asta the whole time abruptly stood up from his seat and grabbed Asta by the collar

"We protect and guard vips, work for men!!! Why the hell did you join one without knowing!?!"

"I'M SORRY! GAH— I'm about to hurl!"


After all that commotion thankfully magna already put Asta down and you already help him regain his composure,the squad then gave all their knowledge bout being a magicknight. Tho of course they're out beloved weirdos so they all gave odd answers XD

" There's also doing things like protecting people. You might be able to get close to a wonderful man like that "Vanessa said already half drunk from all the alcohol she drinks even tho they were just eating breakfast meaning IT'S STILL FUCKIN MORNING! VANESSA OH GOD FOR DA LOVE OF BBY ASAHI!—

" So we're like guardian angels!?!" You asked excitedly

"Well I guess you could say that " Vanessa answered smiling and patting your head at how you were literally look like you were blessed

"There are fun jobs like fighting to your hearts contents. If it's a criminal,no one will complain if we beat him within an inch of his life!" Luck said and by the way he said it's obvious he's really into these kind of shits

"Fighting to your hearts contents.... I like that " you mumbled smiling tho it's still audible to everyone

"You like fighting too?!?" Luck asked as you nodded furiously, literally right now you two are planning on what day you two will kill each other, communicating as if you two were talking about angelic things with those weird flowery and sparkling thingy on the background even tho they're talking about complete opposite which made almost everyone sweatdrop.

" On top of all that, it's a job where you get to admire my sister. You can buy my sister whatever she likes with your pay. Isn't she an angel? " Gauche added showing the angel of all the angels again having a red ass waterfall on his nose

" Get to know Gauche-senpai's cute lil sister and giving her gifts! Uwoahh!! "

"Just don't do anything to my goddess or else I'll kill you" he threatened tho when did you ever felt threatened in yo life? Neva! You always took so many things as a joke,you just patted gauche on his hair saying that why TF would you even hurt an angel like her!? Seriously! When she was kidnapped I was like BiTcH! PaYt ME! sHe To0 EfIn InNOcEnT!!

"My food is.... All gone" charmy mumbled looking at her empty plate as she went supa Saiyan and quickly made her way to the kitchen and used her grimoire to make more foodies as she added about all the magicknights thingy

"You get to eat alot of food!"

"Uwahhh! Charmy-senpai is so cool!!~ She can cook literally anything just by her grimoire" you exclaimed drooling all over again as you were looking at how the sheep work

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