Chapter 19 |✔

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" know? And then, he did this role-playing thing where-."

"Derek's into roleplay? Well, he didn't tell me. Interesting."

My face twisted up in disgust as I took another sip of my wine before getting up. "Okay, okay. That's my sign to leave. I'm gonna brush my teeth and get ready for bed."

Tammy nodded, downing the rest of her wine. "Sure. I leave the bath to you because I am such a great friend and I'll drown my sorrow in another glass of this really cheap wine."

I laughed and sook my head, entering the bathroom and starting to brush my teeth. After a while, I heard a knock on the hotel room door and knowing that Tammy would get it, I ignored it.

I've heard muffled voices and Tammy's laugh, before the door closed and everything went quiet again.
I shrugged it off, spitting out the cocktail of toothpaste and saliva, washing my face and walking out to the living room, ready to change my clothes into my pyjama, when something caught my eye.

A shiver ran down my spine as I took a couple of steps towards the belt laying on the kitchen counter.
It was an old brown leather belt whereof the end was missing.
I've seen this belt somewhere but I couldn't make out where.

I turned to my best friend, who was sitting on the couch with Simba in her lap, her eyes leaving her phone when I uttered her name. "Yeah?"

"Who gave this to you?"

She looked up, examined the belt and a smile formed on her lips as she took another sip of her glass. "Mm, a really goodlooking blonde guy who knocked on your day, saying you forgot it when you left him. It's so sad that he coulnd't have been older than 20 or else, mm."

I blinked a few times as my breath hitched in my throat, remembering where I saw the belt.
"Did he say his name?"

She shook her head, the dreamy smile still on her lips. "No, but he has to have a great name. Adam or Aiden. Ethan maybe-."


She shook her head, scoffing. "No, no. That's not attractive enough. Jack... No, no I get it, it was-."

"Ashton Chapman."

She furrowed her eyes as she looked at my expression, her smile fading and her body stiffening.
"Genna? What is it?"

I closed my eyes, exhaled deeply as my trembling hands wandered to my jeans pocket, grabbing my phone and dialing Spencer's number.

After the third ring, his sleepy and tired voice rang into my ear.
"Genna? Is everything okay?"

I pressed my lips together as I quickly got the belt off my hands, lying it down onto the kitchen counter again.
"D-Did you saw the news today?"

I've heard ruffling, while his voice sounded more awake than before. "Genna, what is going on? You scare me."

"Spencer, did you watch the news? Yes or no?"

"N-No, but why-?"

"After we got back from the case, I talked to JJ and she told me that we had a new case tomorrow, she was just preparing the files." I bit my lip as my eyes fell to the belt, shivering even more.
"She told me to watch the news so I did. There have been 3 homicides in Las Vegas in the last 2 weeks. All three woman had dark copper hair and dark eyes and were strangled with a brown leather belt.
           The killer cut a hole into the back of their head and wrote on the walls with their bloods 'failure'. On the last crime scene, he left the end of th belt."
  I ran a hand through my hair as Tammy stood next to me, stroking my back up and down in a calming manner.

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