Chapter 33 |✔

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"Will, here's my card, text me when you're home and we can meet up again but I have to go now."

"Sure. Go get 'em, tiger."

I blushed and smiled, hugging him quickly before making my way through the sweaty crowd of people and toward the exit.

The moment I stepped out, the fresh air hit me like a train and I felt the alcohol consume my mind, making me stumble over my own feet.
But I caught myself in the last moment, relieved that next to me was a street lamp I could hold onto.

My eyes searched the environment, my hearbeat raising it's speed in the fear of him being already gone.
But the moment my eyes focused on a slim tall figure on the sidewalk, waiting for a taxi with his hands in his beige pants pockets and unmatching socks, my stomach twisted and I made my way over to him.

"Spencer! Spencer, wait up!"

I saw his body stiffening as I approached him, his head still turned toward the street, making me appreciate his sharp jaw and big adam apple. He licked his lips.
Oh lord, no. Not now, not when I'm drunk.

I furrowed my brows at his attitude, not knowing why he was being so pissed off.
"Are you okay? Why are you already leaving?"

He swallowed and it was like time had stopped as my eyes fixated on his adam apple gulping down and up again.
I bit my lip, a shiver running down my spine as I imagined how it would be like to kiss-.

"There was nothing holding me there. Everyone was having fun so I decided not to crash the mood further more and just to go home."

I shook my head, not wanting him to be angry with me as I took ahold of his shoulder. It wasn't just entirely because I wanted him to look at me. Partly it was because I wanted to touch him so badly and the other part because I was afraid I would loose my balance.
"N-No, that's not true. I wouldn't want you to leave."

Finally, his head turned around to face me and his eyes were so cold that it hit me like an icicle in the heart.
"You were talking to the man at the bar. I thought you two would leave eventually so I didn't want to destroy your night."

I shook my head and smiled softly at him, taking another step toward him.
"You could never destroy my night. You would destroy it if you'd just leave."

He closed his eyes as he exhaled deeply, nervously fiddling with the hem of his cardigan and licking his lip.
God, he had to stop or else I would-.
"Do you like him?"

I swallowed, blinking a few times and not really knowing how to answer.
"Of course I like him, I've known him for-."

"Then why are you here with me and not in there with him if you like him so much?"

I furrowed my brows, not understanding why he was so angry.
"Wh-What, Spencer? Why are you like that?"

"Like what?"

I rolled my eyes. He obviously knew what I meant, and I hated when people acted like they didn't know shit.
"You know exactly what I mean. Why are you giving me this attitude? It's not like I committed a serious crime by talking to my childhood best friend."

He interrupted himself and drew his eyebrows together, his eyes growing softer. "Childhood best friend?"

I nodded quickly, feeling my head begin to sway. "Yeah. We met each other when I moved to New Orleans. Why would you care?"

He swallowed, scratching his neck with a slight blush on his cheeks, looking down at the dirty streets of Quantico.
"I-I just thought-. I don't know, it was just-."

He sighed and shook his head. I knew he was holding something back and I wanted him to trust me so I grabbed his chin, pulling it up softly so our eyes locked again.

How could someone be this beautiful?
It should be illegal!
I should handcuff him and-.
Oh lord, please send help!

"You know you can tell me everything, right?"

"I don't need a therapy."

I chuckled at his stubbornness and smiled, my hand travelling down his arm to his hand, intertwining our fingers.
"But you could need a friend."

He closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath and moistening his dry lips, my eyes glued to his tongue which disappeared back into his mouth.





He cleared his throat. "A friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations."

"Why are you telling me this, Spencer?" I tilted my head to the side as our eyes met and for the first time since I know him, I noticed how his eyes flickered down to my lips just for a blink of an eye.

I was afraid that my drunk mind was just playing me but when he did it again, I couldn't believe it... He actually looked at my lips!
Where they pretty?
Did my lipstick smudged?
Did I chew on them too many times so they didn't look appealing to him?

"Maybe I don't want to be your friend."

I blinked a few times, trying to process what he had just thrown at me.
I felt my tears began to water as I let go of his hand, his touch not pleasantly burning anymore, but painfully.

I swallowed, not knowing what to answer.
"I-I don't-. Okay, I guess-guess, I mean I can't force you to anything b-but I thought we had something special and-."

I didn't know what was happening as he stepped closer to me, took my cheeks in his big, warm hands and pressed his lips against mine.

My heart definitely skipped more than just one beat and heat rose from my stomach to my chest. The earlier on busy and loud streets seemed to be awfully quiet as I heard my pulse rushing through my ears, kissing him back happily.

His smell filled my nostrils to the point of near brain death as I pressed him against me awfully close, not wanting any space to separate us from this magical moment.

At that very moment his lips brushed over mine like a wave of warmth and every part of my body reacted to him instinctively.
My toes curled up, my eyes zeroed in on his, his smell even more hypnotic.
The taste of him... it silenced my thoughts and made me want more.

I couldn't care less who was watching or around us as my hands travelled up to his hair, running through it as I had imagined multipule times.
It felt good to really do it.

Words couldn't describe the way I felt, how much excitement and desire lingered in the air between us.
I felt completely lost under his burning touch but it was the kind of feeling you loved and will never get again because the first time would always be the most enjoyable.

I didn't want us to part but the problem with human bodies was that at some point, all oxygen was out of our lungs and we needed to breath again.
It wasn't enough for the body, even if it was for the heart, to breath him in.

Slowly, I parted our lips to catch my heavy breathing, feeling as light as ever but still down to earth.
Another earth, where there was just Spencer and I.

Our foreheads leaned against each other, hands intertwined as I smiled, meeting his brown irises full of passion and heat.
"Did you know that kissing is actually more hygienic than shaking hands?"

I chuckled lowly and shook my head against his own, biting my lip.
"Well then we should skip to the part where we kiss apart from a greeting handshake." 


Ahhhh stop

I can not handle this
I can't breath

Help me please, call 911🥺

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