chapter 2-the trap house meeting

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Your pov

2 weeks later

I have not posted on tik tok for about a week I'm really trying to take a break.

I was getting dressed for today because we have a meeting in 20 and I don't want to look like trash.

So I decided to wear this,

I grabbed my phone off of my night stand and texted Colby

You:Hey were are you!

Colbs:oh I'm outside fliming with the boys the meeting well start here soon so just sit in the living room!

You:oh ok bye bye

Colbs:bye bye

Time skip

Meeting time

We were all sitting in the living room when Sam said.
"So guys my cousin has no were to stay so offered her to stay here for a while her name is Paris."

I was just super annoyed another girl to come get a man but most likely my man.

Yes me and jake are dating but none of the roommates know so its kinda hard to hang around each other as boyfriend and girlfriends do.

Jake looked at me he could probably tell I was little upset. But before he could say anything Sam called Paris into the room.

She walked in the room and all eyes are on her even jakes. I was looking her up and down and she looked so much better then me

"Hello im parclissa but you can call me Paris" she said

"Hello paris nice to meet you" I said with a little envy in my voice.

"Well I have some where to be so I should probably go now" I said

"Ok" was all I got from the roommates

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the house and called an uber.

2 mins later
I got in the car and left.

20 mins

I was sitting in the bar waiting on Tara to show up.

I saw someone sit beside me.

"Hey girl are you ok I came here as soon as I got your text" i heard Tara say

"Well you know how me and jake are dating well Sam invited his cousin Paris over to stay with us and she is so much better then me I'm evny of her" I said

"Listen girl lets go to the house and ill stay the night with you and if anything happens we well leave and head to my house ok" I heard Tara say

"Ok" I said

40 mins later

We had walked into the house to see Paris on top of Colby kissing him while Colby was trying to get her off of him.

I walked over to her and grabbed her hair and slammed her into the floor.

"That's what you get for being a slut" I said

I walked upstairs with Tara and we stayed in my room until we heard noises coming from jakes room.

I got up and opened his door and saw Paris on top of him too kissing him while he was trying get away her!

I grabbed her by her hair again and looked her in the eyes

"I guess you haven't learned anything yet, frist my brother then my boyfriend you really are a slut" I said

I then slammed her really hard into the floor I could hear her whine in pain while I beat the shit out of her.

I was pulled off of her by Colby and jake.

I was so upset that I tried to break free of both of them.

"Its ok baby just chill out" Jake whispered in my ear. In guess Colby heard it.


"Yes he did because they are dating" Paris said

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