Part 3!

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A couple of photoshoots, fan meetings, and concerts to perform later, Sonic and Amy went inside the limo.. exhausted. "You guys did great! Only one more event to go and you two can finally rest for 2 weeks." Rouge exclaimed, checking off things on her clipboard.

"Ugh.. I can't take it anymore." Amy groaned, as she took Vibi from John's clutches and hugged her tight. Vibi barked happily and smothered Amy with kisses. "So what's the last event?" Sonic asked, opening a can of beer. "It's a party invitation from the... Xenos company." John said, studying the letter.

"Great another letter from an obnoxious company." Rouge groaned, using her phone to check social media. "Isn't that Jake's company? Why are they making us attend it?" Amy asked before she opened a can of beer.

"Apparently it's supposed to welcome the new stars of the Xenos company, and they would like you two to promote it. Along with other rising stars." John clarified, fixing his glasses. "Since when did you start wearing glasses?" Sonic asked, looking at John with his brow raised.

"Just earlier, I thought I look more professional and composed with these on." John chuckled. "Promote it? Why promote a welcome party of new stars under the company?" Amy asked, confused. "That's what I also wondered, isn't it supposed to be a private debut party?" Rouge added.

"That's the Xenos company for sure, you never know what's on their minds when they create these unusual events." John shrugged. The four of them laughed and drank alcohol together, while on their way to Amy and Sonic's penthouses.

Rouge and John dropped them off at the entrance and of course the now drunk Sonic was beside Amy, who's almost gonna pass out. Amy rolled her eyes and was about to leave him outside when Sonic put his arm around Amy and began to yell absurd things in front of their building.

Amy snarled at Sonic's action and seeing his now weak state, was too nice to leave him outside. She carried Sonic up and waited for the elevator to open, since it was already in the middle of the night, there weren't many people to witness Sonic's antics.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, she threw Sonic in the corner and clicked their floor number. "Amy.." Sonic mumbled. Amy looked at Sonic in disgust and ignored him, she then continued to play with Vibi.

"I'm sorry.." Sonic mumbled more.

This made Amy stop playing with Vibi and looked at Sonic with sad but pitiful eyes and sighed. "If you were, you would've never left us in the first place." Amy said. She hugged Vibi tightly, and as if Vibi could sense her sadness, she licked her cheek continously trying to cheer her up.

As if Sonic was in his normal state, he began to reply. Mind you, he was drunk. But when you're drunk, you began to say some sober thoughts that you were ignoring for a long time.

"I'm sorry for leaving all of you.. all I wanted was to make a future with all of us in the picture..."

"I want us to continue singing and pursuing our careers together, and maybe with the money and fame I will make, it will be possible for us to do that.."

"But I was wrong... I took a gamble in all of your feelings... I thought that it will somehow work out... but all it achieved in the end was us now more seperated than ever... I'm sorry."

"And most importantly, I'm sorry Amy.. I was so stupid back then. I was so stupid to not notice Diana's plan in the start... I'm sorry that she made you think that I didn't love you enough. I do love you very much, you were my everything."

"And as a boyfriend, I failed to do that." He finished, before Amy heard him snore loudly. All while Sonic was telling his reasons, Amy was in front of him, her back facing him.

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