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"who is he, bright?" win asks as soon as he gets inside bright's car.

"i told you, he's nothing." bright puts his hand on the steering wheel, but doesn't start the engine. he just stares on something, anything, as if his mind isn't on its right state.

win feels the doubt constantly lurking in his stomach, and he knows it well that he shouldn't doubt what bright is telling him. but every move that bright has been doing this day is enough to make him doubt. why does he have to act that way? this way?

"did you talk to him after we had lunch?"

bright doesn't answer right away, and win's thought get swirling in his head, full of why's and what if's. he bites his lower lip in anticipation, wishing bright would say no. wishing they didn't meet again without him know. he hates how paranoid he is around him. he hates how he's usually like this. but then again, who doesn't change when it's about the person you love? i love him, win tells himself when he purses his lips.

"no, i didn't. i was busy all day after we had lunch. why are making a big deal out of this, win? i told you, he's nothing. forget about him."

he's calling me by my name. he's pissed of as i am. he's not looking at me. he's not bright at this moment. just who am i talking to? win's mind wanders and stops when bright turns on the engine.

"because! because i hate the way you look like you have him in your head."

bright turns off the engine and grips the steering wheel as puts his head on it.

"i don't. stop whatever this is, win. i still have work to do."

"i have work, too. but we need to talk."

"what for? i already told you he's nothing."

"then why are you pissed off?

"because you've been opening this topic!"

win's breathing hitches, hearing bright shout has always been something else. he's the type to give someone a cold treatment when he's mad, but shouting? never.

"why, bright? who was seint in your life? or wait... is he still in your life?"

bright creases his forehead, and looks at win who looks like he's on the verge of crying and that melts his irritation. he pulls win for a hug and brushes his back, hoping he'll calm down.

"no. stop, babe. he was just the guy i dated back then. i'm sorry for shouting. i'm sorry. please stop crying, baby. i'm sorry," bright whispers on win's ear as he caresses his hair.

win breaks away from the hug, and bright uses his thumb to wipe win's tears away.

"he was your ex?" win asks, not minding bright's sorry's. he sees him nod and continuous with playing with win's hair.

"when was this?"

bright sighs, "three years ago."

win does the math, and confusion starts swirling in his head.

"i thought you've loved me since middle school."

bright smiles, "i tried to forget that love, babe. i thought it was impossible to be reciprocated anyway, so i tried dating."

win winces, "and it turned out bad?"

bright nods again.

"i told me you already had a closure with him. then why does he look like he's still not over you?"

bright shuts his eyes tight, and win sees him gripping the steering wheel.

"i thought so, too. honestly, i don't know, baby. really."

win holds bright's hand that's still gripping the steering wheel, and bright entwines win's hand with his.

"then why did you have that expression on your face when you saw him earlier? like, like he still matters?"

bright pats his head, "seriously, you thought i was looking at him? i was looking at you. imagine how horrified i was when i saw you two together."

"and why do you sound so pissed off just now?"

"because contrary to your suspicions, i don't like seint. he pisses me off. big time, baby. he gets into my nerves. he's always been manipulative when we were together that's why i broke it off with him. i thought we both agreed about it so seeing him brought those memories back and i couldn't help my raging anger."

"what exactly did he do?"

bright sighs, "just things. he'd get mad over petty stuff and would always tell me i'm cheating even thought i wasn't. he always tells what to do and what not to do. he was suffocating. the whole time we were together, i was always tired as if i've been doing a lot of work. it was...really tiring i couldn't breathe."

win nods, realizing how his suspicions about seint being a goody two shoes is true. bright isn't the type to judge the person he doesn't truly know, so hearing those words from him are enough to make win believe.

"but he doesn't know about me, right?"

bright nods.

"i don't want him near you."

bright chuckles and tousles his hair, "we can't help it. he'll be with us for a month."

"i hate how he looks at you."

"how does he look at me? seriously, i don't know. i've got my eyes on you and you alone."

win grunts, "i'm serious. he looks like he wants to eat you."

"i only want to eat you."

win throws dagger looks at bright.

"i'm going to bang your head on the steering wheel if you don't take this seriously."

bright chuckles.

"seriously, i'm serious babe. he doesn't matter to me anymore. he was part of my past, and who cares about past anyway? my present matters the most, and you're my present. both meanings. i think i'd like to put a huge ribbon on you," bright laughs.

win is glad somehow that they're okay. but the panic lurking in him is still there, as if warning him this is only the beginning.

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