Chapter Four

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The next morning, Becky walks into the studio with her laptop in one hand and a large coffee in the other. She takes her usual seat next to Zabdiel, opening her laptop and positioning it in between her and Zabdiel.

"I think we should try and finish this song today. The lyrics are perfect but the production side of it needs some work." Becky opens up the song file on her laptop.

Zabdel smirks at the other boys while Becky works on the track, his look going unnoticed. "You know, if it's just the production side of it that needs work, why don't you and I work on it and the boys can take the day off? That way when we start working on the next song they're all a bit more rested."

Chris immediately tries to intercept Zabdiel's plan but Becky claps her hands together silencing the boys before they can even speak, "That's a good idea! It should only take us like half a day to finish this track so let's do it and then we can work on the next one tomorrow."

Zabdiel's face shows he's surprised. He didn't think that Becky would agree so easily. Sure it didn't mean they would have sex right now but it meant that he would be a step closer than the other boys.

"We can all try producing it?" Erick suggests.

"Good idea!" Chris almost shouts slapping Erick on the back, he turns his head to Becky raising his eyebrows waiting for her response.

Becky furrows her eyebrows at Chris confused. "No, why would you all produce? Zabdiel is the only one who actually wants to produce?"

None of the boys want Zabdiel alone with Becky but of course none of them can say that. Fearful that Becky would catch on that there is more to this than she thinks, Joel speaks before Richard can, "Becky's right. We don't need to be here. It's a nice day out. We can go to the beach or something."

"You wanna work from the beach?" Richard suggests looking to Becky.

"Let's go!" Joel demands standing from his seat. Richard rolls his eyes but stands up anyway knowing that he can't push much further. Chris and Erick follow the lead walking out of the studio grumbling as they do. "When you're done you should meet us at the beach."

"We will Joel." she nods. Joel tilts his head acknowledging her response and closes the door behind them. "They're being weird, aren't they?" She asks Zabdiel.

"I don't know nena." he shrugs, moving his chair closer.


"It means baby in spanish."

"I've written enough music with you to know what it means, I'm just curious as to why you said that to me."

Zabdiel shrugs disregarding her confusion. "So what is this missing?"

"The song? I don't know but it needs a little more. Maybe in the first verse, we can add some drums over it."

Zabdiel walks over to the drum kit, "hit record, I'll try to give it a go." Becky connects the kit to her laptop and Zabdiel begins to add to the first verse. A slight tap in beat with the music is recorded, Zabdiel closes his eyes as he plays the music and Becky hums the tune out loud. It isn't until they listen to the song again that they decide it wasn't the right choice. Zabdiel screws his face together, "I think the first verse needs to change but no drums."

"I agree." Zabdiel and Becky try to add to the first verse but quickly give up on it deciding that it isn't the first verse that needs changing. They practically work their way through each segment of the song until they hit the bridge. "We can add some piano." Becky connects her portable keyboard to her computer and plays the melody recording it on the file.

Zabdiel's sweet voice sings the bridge as she records, her fingers graze the keys along the keyboard.

"Play it back." Zabdiel requests as soon as Becky ends the recording. The music plays out from the beginning, the boys hadn't completely recorded their voices over the track yet but Richard's soft voice plays through the speakers first. For a moment there is only the background of the track playing until the bridge plays out, Joel's recording plays out and this time the soft piano that Becky added runs through the track. Becky and Zabdiel look at each other, their eyes brightening, they stand up in excitement, moving around to the beat and when the song fades out Zabdiel grabs Becky by the waist and spins her a full 360 degrees.

"This is it." he exclaims. "This is a banger."

"We did that!" Becky dances around the room. "Finally. Let's send the track to the boys." Becky flicks the light on, sitting on the chair she opens her emails so she can send the boys the file.

"Wait wait," Zabdiel looks around for the light switch and turns it off. He didn't want the mood to dull down, after all he still had a bet to win. "We should celebrate. You and me."

"We can celebrate the usual way." Becky shrugs.

"No. This time it's different. Maybe we can," Zabdiel pulls the chair Becky is on from the table and rolls it until it hits the wall. Becky looks at Zabdiel confused as he squats down to look her in the eyes, "I don't know, we can maybe do that thing you've never done." Zabdiel bites his lip.

"Oh gosh." she rolls her eyes, "You're kidding me." she bursts into laughter pushing Zabdiel away and standing up.

"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious."

"I shouldn't have mentioned anything yesterday!" Becky laughs.

Zabdiel follows Becky as she walks around the studio, he's standing so close to her she can feel his chest on her back. With one hand, Zabdiel pulls on her arm, pushing her against the wall softly.

"Come on. Just one kiss, at least." Zabdiel looks down to her lips biting his own.

"Zabdiel, we can't do this." his breath fans her face and the heat radiating between the two of them almost stops her heart from beating.

"Why not mami? Not a single kiss?"

Becky looked up at his face. She knew how attractive he was. She was attracted to all of the boys. Each of them was hot to her but she never acted on it. She was too shy for that. Now that he was here in front of her giving himself to her on a platter, she was confused as to why she was saying no. Maybe it would push her feelings for Joel aside.

"You want to kiss me that bad?"

"I want to do everything with you." he smirks, "but I guess a kiss will do. For now."

Just as Becky decides she might as well lean in to take a kiss from one of the hottest boys she knows, the studio door slams open. Zabdiel and Becky jump apart. Erick walks in turning to the two of them.

"Hey." he smiles. "Finished the song?"

"Yeah, we, uhh, we just finished it." Becky awkwardly speaks out her face turning bright red.

"Why are you back?" Zabdiel asks with frustration evident on his face.

"Just wanted to see how you two were going." Erick and Zabdiel look at each other not breaking eye contact. The battle for power running between their gaze. "Well since you're done, beach?"

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