Chapter Twenty

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"Hey, why have you been crying?" Chris asks as soon as he opens the door. "Weren't you meant to be spending the night with Joel?" Becky pushes past him dumping her overnight bag in his bedroom. Before Chris can walk into the bedroom, Becky walks to him, pushes him against the nearest wall and kisses him. Shocked, Chris pushes her away. "Becky, what the hell? What happened with Joel?"

"For fuck sake," she sighs walking back into the bedroom falling onto the bed. "I don't want to talk about Joel. You said if it didn't work out with Joel, I could make out with you right?"

"W-well yeah but I didn't think things wouldn't work out."

"Ok well they haven't so," she stands up wrapping her arms around his neck, "I have a bigger request."

"O-Ok. What's the request?" He keeps his arms on her hips holding her at bay.

"Fuck me."

Chris unwraps her arms from him and sits down on the bed. Immediately, Becky straddles him as he tries to take a moment to think.

"Woah, woah. Can we just take ten minutes to talk first?"

"Talk about what? Aren't you meant to be the one who sleeps around?" she coldly responds.

"You know that's not a hundred percent true."

"It's not a hundred percent false either."

"Just explain what happened please."

Becky sighs and moves so she's next to Chris. "I know, everything. I know about the bet. I don't want to sleep with him. Not anymore. You were the first to back out so I want to sleep with you."

"You're not using me to get back at him?"

"N-no. I mentally prepared to have sex tonight! So now I need sex."

Chris stands up running his hands through his hair pacing his bedroom, "But we're such good friends now. What if it ruins things?"

"It's not going to ruin anything! The way Joel hurt me tonight made me realise that maybe it's better to have sex with a friend who I will always love rather than some guy who could break my heart at any moment."

Chris continues pacing. He so desperately wanted to sleep with Becky, she was right in front of him begging for it. How could he say no? He bit his lip looking over to Becky.

"You sent the texts from his phone?"


"Does he know you know?"


"I just don't know if I can do this to him. Sleep with you!"

"He told me that he and I never made it official when he tried to justify all of this!" Becky practically screams. "If you don't sleep with me then I'll go to Erick."

Chris stops in his tracks turning to Becky, lifting her from the bed similarly to the way that Joel had only a few nights before. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and he held her up by pressing her against a wall. His hands able to move freely he grabbed her face and kissed her.

"You're not going anywhere."

Becky smirked her hands tangling in his hair as she kissed him roughly. Both of them are driven by passion but Becky kissed him with anger. Chris knew that their friendship wouldn't change. After all they had already kissed each other and somehow became closer from it as friends. Maybe after this they would be best friends. No matter how he tried to justify it, he knew that deep down Joel and he might never recover and just for a moment he stopped. He pulls away and looks at Becky asking himself, 'is this really worth it?' But before he can answer the question, Becky jumps out of his arms pulling on his shirt as she moves her hands to palm him through his jeans and then the decision was made for him.

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