Chapter Eleven

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Becky hadn't realised how drunk she was until they were in the club and she had her arms wrapped around his neck as their faces were inches apart. She felt like he wanted to kiss her but there were a few fans watching them from the side.

"Maybe we are giving them too much of a show." Becky giggles, pushing herself away.

Richard grips her tighter and pulls her in again.

"No way. We could put on a bigger show." Becky is so drunk that she just giggles in response, her hips swaying against his harder. Richard holds onto her hips afraid she might let go.

"I'm drunk. I should go home." she states but she continues dancing. She doesn't actually want to go home, she just knows she should.

"You could come back to my place?"

"No way." she laughs pushing him again.

"Why not?"

"You boys have some weird excitement about me being a virgin and you probably just want me to stay over so you can fuck me!" Normally Becky would never be so forward with her words so Richard is surprised as they fly from her lips.

"Or maybe," he leans clsoer, his lips brushing against her ear, "maybe I just want to fuck you?"

Becky moans softly, his words affecting her more than they should. "I should go before I do something I regret. Seriously Richard." she looks him in the eye and he nods.

The boys wanted her and to win but they respected her as a friend. If she wanted to go home, Richard would make sure she made it home safely. The both of them walk over to the boys. Zabdiel is in a conversation with Ali and Clara, Erick is bouncing around to the music with Chris and Joel is staring at them with a strong gaze.

"You okay? Where is he taking you?" he immediately asks as they approach ear shot.

"I'm going home."

"With me." Richard adds.

"Well not exactly. He's taking me to my home."

"Same thing." he shrugs, his competitive nature coming out.

Joel just looks at him smirking, his eyes don't move from Richards when he asks you, "Do you still have that fort up?"

"Yeah I do." she blushes.

He turns his head to her and stands. Joel takes her hand pulling her towards him, "I'll come with you, we can share the fort. I don't want you home alone if you're this drunk."

"Good idea." Ali interrupts.

Richard rolls his eyes and walks back to the dance floor. He knows Joel has won this battle, especially with Ali on his team. Then somehow the unthinkable happens, Chris removes himself from the conversation he appears to be enthralled in with one sentence that pushes Joel so far away from Becky, you can almost hear her heart break.

"Joel isn't that your ex?" Joel's head snaps in the direction of Amanda and he quickly moves his arm away from Becky as he makes eye contact with her.

Ali, Clara and Becky all watch Joel carefully.

"Y-yeah. It is." he stutters.

"Go say hi. You were talking about her like two days ago, weren't you?" That sentence alone was enough to hurt Becky. They had their sweet night together a week ago, he had suggested he would ask her out but hadn't in the past week and here he is still talking about his ex girlfriend. "I'll take her home. Don't worry."

Joel's eyes don't leave Amanda's and without a word he walks over. Becky stands drunk and embarrassed. Chris takes his place, "you ready?" he asks.

"No." Clara interjects, "Come here." Becky walks over to Clara. "Listen, you're not going anywhere! If he is going to talk to that toxic bitch, then you are staying here to dance with Chris. Or Zabdiel. Any of them! You got that?"

Becky just nods, she's too drunk to say no. She was angry so she sauntered over to Chris, "Dance with me."

"You wanna dance nena?" he smirks.

"Let's just start with dancing and see where it goes." She playfully takes his hand and leads him to the dance floor, close to Joel and Amanda. They weren't dancing but Becky knew they had a clear view of her grinding against Chris.

Chris spun her around so that her ass was grinding against his crotch. If she had pushed a little further back, she probably could have made Chris finish in his pants. He bites his lip as he watches her round ass move against him. Sure she was in a flowy dress but the way her body moved, teased the figure she was hiding. Another hour went past of Joel speaking to Amanda, when his gaze turned to Chris and Becky. The jealousy boiled inside of him and he watched them for almost another hour when Ali walked over. Amanda greeted her kindly but Ali ignored her.

"You really going to have her sleep in your arms a week ago and then tonight run off to your ex?" Ali barks. Joel just continues to stare at Becky and Chris. "You're an idiot." she rolls her eyes storming off but her words replay in Joel's head.

He has to win the bet. Of course he does. He stands and stalks over to them, tearing Becky from Chris' grasp.

"Are you ready to go to our fort yet?" Joel asks, almost angry as he looks at Chris behind her.

Becky wants to laugh in his face but with a stern face she disregards him, "I'm not going to that fort with you." she scoffs.


"Because I'm taking Chris." she slurs.

"What do you mean?"

"Chris and I are going to sleep in the fort. Maybe you can go make a fort with Amanda." Chris throws an arm over Becky smirking.

"Don't worry," he looks down to Becky, "I'll take really good care of her tonight." he smirks looking back up at Joel.

"If you go with him, then you're giving me permission to go home with Amanda tonight. You know that right?"

The alcohol has gone straight to Joel's head and the words he speaks are laced with anger and spite. Becky is too drunk to be hurt by his words, and instead wants to hurt him the way he is trying to hurt her. So she smirks, turns to Chris and drags his lips down to hers. She pushes her fingers through his hair and moans into their kiss. Chris is caught off guard and it takes him to respond but he quickly moves his heads to her ass and grips tightly. Joel watches in shock for a moment before walking off towards the boys. He ignores Amanda as she chases after him. Chris pulls away first almost feeling guilty for kissing her in such plain sight.

"We should go." he mumbles.

"Ok." They both wander off without saying goodbye to anyone. When they both stumble into the house Becky is pulling on Chris' shirt but he pulls her hands away softly kissing her deeply. "Don't you want this?" she asks, pulling away.

"Of course I do. When you're sober." Becky huffs and Chris laughs in response. "Come on. Let's get you ready for bed."

"Are you going to sleep with me?"

"I'll sleep in the fort, you sleep in your bed."



Her drunk honesty takes over, "The fort. It uhh, it smells like Joel. I don't want it to smell like you."

Chris just laughs and nods. After a hot make out session Becky sleeps in the fort and Chris sleeps in her bed. The both of them tired from the night's events but more so from their wandering hands, grabbing each other's bodies. Chris eventually allowed Becky to take his shirt off but he wouldn't let her take anything off. They quickly halted their actions when they heard Ali stumbling in with Richard. Richard made sure she was home safe before he went back to his house. Chris knew if Ali caught them it would be a problem because she would assume their meaningless make out session was much more. In fear they would be caught, Chris headed to bed. Part of his actions were for the bet but part of them was just his own desires. 

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