Chapter Eight

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"You don't think he has feelings for her, do you?" Richard asks Erick as they drive into the studio together.

Richard and Erick live close enough that they usually drive in together. They were talking about Joel's abrupt reaction to the fact he couldn't flirt with Becky. At first neither of them thought anything of it but then Erick reminded Richard that Joel didn't even want to join the bet at first.

"No way. If he did, surely he would've made a move by now?"

"He always makes snide comments about her always dating older guys."

"Didn't he tell her to date someone younger after that bad date she went on like a few months ago?"

"Yeah!" The memory hits Richard.

Becky was frustrated because she had been on a few dates with a guy who was twenty six when she was twenty three and he kept acting like they were fourteen. He kept trying to kiss her at the movies and he was super awkward around her but would text her acting very cocky. Becky almost screamed when she received a text about how big his penis was.

"He's such an idiot!" she grumbled before blocking his number. "Why are all guys so shit?" she threw her phone onto the table in anger.

The boys had rarely seen her like this. They had only known her for a few months at this point. They were sitting around the coffee table writing a song when her outburst flooded the room. The boy looked at each other in shock, none of them knowing what to do. She looked up realising her reaction shocked them and then explained the situation.

"You just need a different kind of man baby." Chris winked sliding next to her on the couch.

Becky laughed and rolled her eyes, pushing Chris' chest away from her.

"You've just been dating the wrong guys. The right one will come." Zabdiel soothes.

"The right one is probably right in front of you." Joel mutters.

"Hmm?" she asked, turning her head to the young boy across from her.

"Maybe you should date someone younger? You always date older." he suggests.

"My issue is that no men are mature and you think a younger guy will be better?" she laughs.

"Depends on who the younger guy is." he shrugs, placing both arms on the head rest behind him on the couch and leaning back.

"Oh yeah? Do you have any suggestions?"

"I'm younger," Erick winks.

"Good point. You're also five years younger. I don't think Joel meant that young."

Erick shrugged and they continued working on their music after they spent the next ten minutes trying to make her laugh.

Richard and Erick arrive at the studio with one silent look acknowledging they wouldn't discuss this further inside. Richard knew it was his turn to hit on Becky today but he couldn't do it in front of everyone. He had to be smart about this especially if he wanted to win the bet. He wanted Becky to think he was worthy. He needed to treat her right, not just be the cocky man that he normally was when he wanted to sleep with someone.

"Morning." Becky smiles brightly as they wander into the room taking their usual seats. Erick finds himself on his bean bag, Richard on the one person couch behind him, Zabdiel on the swivel chair next to Becky, Joel directly across from her and Christopher on the couch next to Joel.

"Joel!" Christopher says frustrated, "every day I say this to you, you and I share a whole three person couch. Move over!"

Joel rolls his eyes finding his way to the opposite side of the couch creating distance between him and Chris.

"I like the middle." he pouts.

"No one likes the middle." Becky laughs.

"I do." he bites back jokingly.

No matter what mood the boys are in, they never take it out on Becky. Becky laughs but sitting between three boys that have all tried to hit on her in the last week makes her nervous. More nervous than it should. Sure Erick was a little flirty but he was always a little flirty. This time it felt very different with the other boys. Richard watched Becky as she worked on her computer, Zabdiel was meant to be watching the screen but he was just staring at Becky biting his lip. Richard noticed that every time she realised Zabdiel was staring she would push her hair in front of her face like she was embarrassed. He noticed that Joel was staring intently as Zabdiel but he quickly moved his gaze when he saw Richard watching him.

"Everyone's acting weird today." Richard commented. "We need a break." he stands up clapping his hands together.

"We've been working for like ten minutes." Becky looks up at him as he practically hovers over her.

"Exactly. It's coffee time." he winks. "We can go to that cafe around the corner and bring it back for everyone if you don't want to take a long break."

"I guess I should move around a little more today, that way I'm not cooped up inside and rushing out early again." she ponders.

While the boys are seething that Richard is about to have some alone time with Becky, they know once he has his shot, it's free game to all of them again.

"You should go outside, get some sun or something." Joel encourages. "It's so dark in here I might go for a walk too."

"Come with us?" she offers but Richard glares at Joel before he can contemplate it.

"Nah, I have to make a call."

Joel and Becky stand to walk out of the studio together, Richard close behind them. Once the cool air hits them as they walk outside, Joel immediately walks the opposite way, throwing them a quick wave while he dials Ali's number.

"So," Richard starts as they walk together, side by side their hands brushing every few steps.

"So?" Becky smiles.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"I have plans with Clara and Ali."

"You always have plans with Clara and Ali. I have a better idea." he smirks. Richard turns around walking backwards as he speaks to Becky.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"We should go to a bar. Just you and me. One wild night."

She instantly shuts him down with a simple, "no."

"Why?" he exclaims.

"I have plans!"

"Ok so make plans with me? We don't have to do it tonight, we can go friday night."

They reach the cafe and wait outside for a moment.

"Friday night?"

"Friday night." he smirks.

"Ok. We can go out Friday night." she nods opening the door to the cafe and holding it open for Richard.

"It's a date." he winks, walking past her heading straight for the counter.

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