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It's almost Thanksgiving and my grades are the greatest they've been since middle school. They still aren't the greatest but I'm not failing, a C or higher is what I need to pass. I manage a B C average. There's a knock on the door so I close my book and open it. "Sorry I lost my key." Veronica whispers. "It's fine. I was about to go to sleep and you would have been stuck outside." I lie down. "I have a question." She says putting her bag down. "What?" I look at her. "Not saying I listen to you and Cheryl when she's here but usually most couples have sex the second they see each other after like 24 hours of not seeing each other. You guys won't see each other for a month and you don't." She says awkwardly. I look down. "Can I ask why?" I take a deep breath. "I don't really get the hype around it. Cheryl understands that. I came to the conclusion that I'm asexual. It's just what ever." She smiles. "I had a hunch." I smile. "If we're doing confessions, I want to come clean." I look at her confused. "You know I've been with Archie since Sophomore year-." I stop you. "You didn't cheat on him and get pregnant? That would crush him!" She smiles. "No! I've also dated girls..." I smile. "You kissed Betty trying out for the Vixens and liked it so much you slept with a girl at my going away party." She looks at me. "Cheryl told you about that?" I nod. We both laugh. "Yeah. But ahhh... when I lived in New York I had a girlfriend." I laugh. "Yeah right!" I smile. "I'm messing with you!"

It's Thanksgiving and Cheryl and I got our families together, including Fangs because his mom is stuck in Ohio for some convention. Along with Nana Rose's care taker which was a little awkward. I look at Cheryl. "You're parents were surprisingly calm. Even though Fangs was there." She whispers. "My mom actually really likes Fangs. I think she secretly wanted a son,  not saying she didn't want me! They wanted me and Fangs to be in each other's lives." She smiles. "What happened? Like the whole Fangs thing." I smile. "Um... my parents were fighting and my dad left and honestly I think they both thought it was the end for them, anyway, my dad met Fangs's mom and Fangs was conceived." I explain. "Why is his name Fangs?" Cheryl ask quietly. "It's a nickname and I think we legally changed it the second he turned 18. But when we were in elementary school the two teeth that vampires have their fangs have, Fangs had well, fangs." We both laugh. "Did he really?" I nod. "Yeah, unfortunately when he lost them and he got his adult teeth they came back normally." I pull her close. She sits on my lap and raps her arms around me. "So, I was talking to Veronica a few days ago because she's only person I talk to there. Can you keep a secret?" I ask grinning like a child. "Yeah." Cheryl kisses my cheek. "What's up?" She ask quietly. "So, you know how her and Betty kissed?" She looks at me. "Is she gay?!" I shake my head. "No! But she did have a girlfriend before she moved here. But she's with Archie and I think she's actually happy for once." We both nod. "You can't tell anyone though. It's not my story and I'm really not one to out people." She smiles. "Trust me, I get it! I won't say anything even if someone ask." I kiss her. "I'm sorry you had such a shitty coming out." I stroke her hair softly. "It could have been worse. My mother could have sent me to conversion therapy and I had to be rescued by my amazing girlfriend." She whispers. "Oh wait! That did happen!" I kiss her cheek. There's a knock on the door and mom walks in. "Desert will be served in a few minutes." I nod. "Ok mom." She smiles and leaves. "I have a question for you." Cheryl smiles. I pull out a small box. "I was going to do this after college and we don't have to do anything until after college but I really do want to know..." I open the box. "One day, will you marry me?" I ask quietly. She smiles. "Don't worry, I talked to Nana Rose! I have her blessing as long as we wait until after college to legally get married." She nods. "Of course!" I put the ring on her and we kiss. "What do you mean by legally?" She ask quietly. "Well, I was- I don't- I don't know." I whisper. She smiles. "Tell me." She whispers. "This is gonna sound weird." I say. "Just say it." I think about how I'm gonna say what I'm about to say. "Nana Rose isn't getting any younger." I say waiting to be screamed at. "I just know you want her to be there. Even if you've never said it." I whisper. She looks down. "And honestly, I want to see her walk- well, kinda walk you down the aisle." She smiles sadly. "Well, I think you're right about waiting until after college, but if we're gonna get married it's all gonna happen. The ceremony, the legal part of it and if Nana Rose can't be there, than we'll figure something out. And she'll always be there not matter how. I was thinking about making a tribute to the people who couldn't be there." She explains to me. "Yeah." I kiss her. "Also when we get married can it not be immediately after college only because we won't be able to afford that." We both laugh. "Yeah." I kiss her cheek. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too, more than anything. Come on let's eat." She stands up and takes my hand. I smile and we go downstairs to eat. "So Toni! How's college going?" My uncle ask quietly. "Better. Now that all I do is practice, study and maybe eat and barely sleep." I say quietly. "Toni..." I look at my mom. "Mom..!" I whisper. "You need to sleep." I look down and play with my food a little. "Mom. I'm just starting to catch up in my classes. I'm actually getting my grades up and I don't want to throw away my future yet. They gave me like a millionth chance." Mom nods. "If you're ok with it." I shrug. "Not really but it's been working. And I'll sleep when I'm dead." I say quietly. "Ok!" I look at dad. "You can't stop your mother." I take a deep breath and stand up. I look at Cheryl. "I have my an announcement to make." I say. "So Cheryl and I are getting married." I announce to everyone. "We don't have a date or anything but it'll be after college." Cheryl adds. I look at mom and dad. Cheryl pulls my shirt to tell me to sit down so I do as said. "Are you guys sure?" Dad ask quietly. "It's a big thing. And we are gonna support you no matter what." I look at Cheryl. "Well that's why we are waiting until after college." I say. "Than what's the point of being engaged?" Dad ask confused. "I just want to say fiancé. It's fun!" Cheryl smiles like a little kid on Christmas. "You guys are so weird."

I look at my amazing fiancé. Cheryl's right it is fun to say. "What?" She ask quietly. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too. But something is bothering you." She whispers. "Have you thought about what you want to do after high school?" I ask quietly. "Well... umm... not really. I haven't heard from any of the schools I applied to unless it's for them to tell me I can't go to school their, and I'm starting to freak out." She tells me scared almost. "Is there any where in Connecticut?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! I applied to Yale and they said I couldn't go." I wipe her tears. "I don't want to go anywhere in Connecticut, like, I want to be with you and I want to be as close as possible with you as possible but Connecticut is so boring!" I laugh. "Yeah it's boring. But honestly it's kinda nice maybe it's because I'm stuck in a college town but I have the bladder of a nat so I have to stop at every rest stop. So I've see bits and pieces, but what I have seen it was nice. A nice place to maybe settle down and start a family." I suggest as she lies on top of me. "I don't want to rush anything but you know. I want to at least talk about the future of our relationship." Cheryl smiles. "We not moving to Connecticut." She whispers. "Than where?" I ask quietly. "Somewhere closer to home, like Greendale or here." She suggest. "I want to get out of here!" I say. "I know! But this is our home!" She tells me. "Cheryl, I want to get out of this town! That's why I took the scholarship, and I'm not supposed to say this but, there are three WMBA teams hunting me down to play for them." She smiles. "What does that have to do with where we are going to start a family?" She ask quietly. "I know this sounds crazy! But I want to live in a big house! Not Thistle house or Thorne Hill, our own home that we bought with our own money! I want to come home to that, I want to buy my parents a new home! I know it's a little crazy and narcissistic, but it's my dream and I'm so close I can feel it." She kisses me. "It's not narcissistic, yes it's crazy but it's reasonable." She smiles. "How many kids?" She ask quietly. "What?" I look at her. "How many kids do you want?" I shrug. "Well, I would definitely want one, but I don't know, we'll see how it goes." I rub my hand up her arm. "I would suggest we start trying now, but it's a little hard when neither of us have a penis." Cheryl whispers. "Also you're still in high school and I don't feel like having a kid in college." We both laugh. "I would also like to be married first." She whispers. "Oh yeah!" I kiss her. There's a knock on the door. "It's me." Mom says before walking in. "What's up?" She sits on my bed. "You too." I look at Cheryl. "I'm really happy for you too, but you guys are really young. The only thing I'm worried about is if you guys are sure you want to go through with this?" I take a deep breath. "Well, that's why we are waiting until after college." Cheryl whispers. "Than why are you engaged?" I smile. "Because I couldn't wait any longer to ask her." I whisper. "Well, if you're ready. It's just a big adjustment, I'm not telling you to not do this but I'm also tell you to think about it." We both nod. "Well, you guys are welcome to stay, Nana Rose fell asleep." Cheryl smiles. "Yeah, she was ready to go to bed about 3 hours ago." We all laugh quietly. "I'll leave you guys." Mom whispers. She kisses the top of my head. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She walks out leaving me and Cheryl to ourselves. "You can't tell my mom about the basketball thing." I whisper, she sits in front of me. "Ok, but I'm really proud of you." She kisses me. "That's why you can't tell her, because my mom really likes bragging about me and that will really good at not shutting up about me." She laughs. "Well, she's your mother and honestly if I found out my kid had 3 different basketball teams hunting them down, I would want everyone to know." I kiss her. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." She smiles. I kiss her again. "I'm gonna suggest something." I whisper. She nods. "Well, you're gonna be here and I kinda want to have sex." She smiles. "You're the weirdest person I've ever met." She kisses me and we have sex. It was fun, I still don't really get it but, I do it for Cheryl. "You ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I still don't really get it." I whisper. "Maybe if you let me top you'd get it." I smile. "I've tried masturbating and it was weird." She shrugs. "Good weird or bad weird?" She sits up. "I don't know." I whisper. "But, I don't really want to do it again. I didn't hate it but I didn't really enjoy it." I whisper. She smiles. "Do you want to try it again?" She ask quietly. "Not right now." She nods. "Ok." She smiles.

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