Party All The Time

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I walk out to the small porch and see Toni just sitting there thinking probably. I sit next to her for a while. "What's gotten into you?" I ask her breaking the silence. She shrugs. "Nothing." She whispers. "You're off your meds aren't you?" I ask her quietly. "How do you know I was even on them in the first place?" She ask standing up. "Because I almost took your antidepressants." She looks down. "Also this isn't the first time we're talking about this." She takes a deep breath trying not to panic. "I really don't want to talk about this. I'm still trying to process everything." She says pacing back and forth. I take her hands. "It's only been a year since you were diagnosed." I whisper. "I get it." She sits next to me. "We should probably talk about this more often." I nod. "But we don't have to. I know it's hard." She shrugs. "I just feel like I let down the team yesterday." She whispers. "You didn't." I whisper. Veronica walks out. "Hey, I was planning on meeting some friends at the gay bar down the street, you guys wanna come?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." Toni says. "I'll drive." I say. She nods and goes back in. "Am I gonna be able to go in?" I ask. "Yeah but they ask for I.D at the bar. But they can't stop me from buying a drink and you drinking it." Toni explains. "Trust me that's what Veronica does every time we go until now, she can legally drink

Toni walks over to me. "You're sober." She nods sitting in the booth next to me. "I've only had a beer or two. And Veronica is the one grinding up against some girl. Obviously drunk. Can't wait to deal with that." She says the last part sarcastically. "You feeling better?" I ask her. "Yeah." She smiles. "I think going off my meds and finding out what I found out and the game yesterday put me in a lot of stress." She explains playing with my shirt a little. "This probably the worst few months of marriage ever." She says quietly. "Could be worse." I say. "We could hate each other." She smiles and raps her arm around me. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too baby." I kiss her. Veronica sits in front of us with some random girl. "I'm gonna go get us something to drink." The girl says. "Ok." Veronica smiles. The girl walks away and V turns to us. "Do you know her name?" She ask. "I was about to ask you the same thing." Toni says leaning over. "Can you make sure neither of us end up in either of our beds together?" I nod. Toni gets up and takes me to the dance floor. We dance the night away. It was better than prom. Around 3 am we head home. Veronica completely drunk, Toni still in happy party mode and I'm just trying to get them home in one piece. We're in the elevator and Toni and Veronica are acting like basic white girls. It's weird. We finally get to our floor and I shove them both out. "Come on guys." I say forcing them in the direction of our apartment. Toni leans on me rapping her arm around my shoulder. "Thanks for tonight." She whispers. "Veronica was the one who forced us out." I say. "But I mean thanks for being there and making sure I had fun and it all made me feel a lot better. It didn't cure my depression and anxiety but it helped." She explains. "I love you." She whispers. "You sure you're not drunk?" She smiles. "I might have had a little bit more than I usually have." She says. I unlock the door and we all go inside. Toni and Veronica sit on the couch and pass out. I go get them water and sit between them. "Drink. Both of you." I take Toni's boots off. "Why do you insist on wearing boots all the time?" I ask quietly. "Because I'm gay!" I smile. "Are you gonna help me?" Veronica ask whining. "Are you my wife?" I ask looking at her. "N-no." She drinks her water. I look at Toni. "I'm your wife!" She smiles before kissing me. "Veronica go take a shower or something." She gets up and goes to the bathroom. "Let's have sex." Toni whispers. "You're drunk." I whisper to her. "Yeah but my meds haven't set in completely. So I'm actually happy to have sex." She smiles. "We can make out if you want." She whispers.


I walk back into the living room after my shower. I actually feel sober again. I notice Cheryl and Toni completely naked on top of each other. "Ew!" I groan. I grab a blanket and place it on them. "You guys are gross." I roll my eyes and go into my room.

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