It's My Birthday

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The hotel they are staying at

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The hotel they are staying at


I walk out to the porch and see Cheryl on the netting. We spend more time on that than actually in the bed or the pool. I lie next to her. "I wish we could just stay here." She says quietly. "We still have another week so soak it up, but we're definitely coming back! Maybe not the honeymoon suite but you know, they are all the same but they don't lay flowers on the bed for you." I joke. "Do you want to make this a thing?" I ask quietly. "We can come here for our anniversary every 3 years." She says. "That works. What about in between those years?" I ask quietly. "We'll go up to Maine and with our kids, we'll once we have them." I smile. "What about before?" I ask. "Just you and I will go." I nod. "Cool." I kiss her. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you more!" I whisper. "I do you want to mope around tomorrow?" I ask quietly. "That would be nice." I look at her. I kiss her. "Oh! I almost forgot!" She perks up. "What?" I smile. "It's your birthday! You can legally drink!" She says happily. I look at her. "You don't really care do you?" I shake my head. "Not really." I whisper. "Can we go to one of those fancy dinners with the hula dancers?" Cheryl ask excitedly. "When?" I ask knowing she already has something planned. "Tonight at 7." She traces my abs. "That works." She smiles and kisses me. "What do you want to do until then?" I ask quietly. "What do you want to do?" She ask me. "This." I whisper. "So nothing!" I nod. "I just have to call my parents." I whisper starting to get up. "It's 4:30 in the morning." Cheryl stops me. "It is?" She nods. "Yeah." She looks at me. "Call her before we go to dinner." I nod. "Ok." She smiles and kisses me. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you Toni." I kiss her. "Do you know what I like about us?" She says out of nowhere. "What?" I smile. "We aren't all about sex and I don't feel like I have to put out or anything like that, but like it's not like we're not full of passion or anything!" I smile. "We're also aren't the most normal relationship, which is nice. Also we're gay." I tell her. "Can I ask something weird?" I sit up to face her. She nods. "Well we never really talk about past relationships, we're you ever in a relationship where it was just sex?" I ask quietly. "No, because if you remember I was a virgin until we met." She whispers. "Oh yeah!" I smile. "But ahh, Reggie was a dick." She says quietly. "I hate him." I say getting annoyed. "Why? He never did anything to you." I look at Cheryl. "Yeah! But he was a dick to you and Fangs, you guys are the most important people to me, besides my parents of course!" She nods. "I know, but he's out in L.A so we don't have to worry about him anytime soon." I look at her. "How-." She stops me. "Veronica is constantly talking to him when she's not doing Archie." She rolls her eyes. "How am I just finding out about this?" She smiles. "Because she didn't tell you because she knows you want to punch his face off." I nod. "Yeah you're right."


"Tonight was nice." Toni says slurring her words a little. I help her into bed. "See! I told you. You also drank to much." I whisper. "I didn't mean too. I thought that drink was more fruitily than alcohol."  She whines. "It was a small bucket! What do you expect?" I ask smiling. She lazily kicks her shoes off. She looks at me. "What?" I ask quietly. "I have to pee!" She whines. "So go!" I sigh. "I don't feel like moving." She whispers. "You're a baby when you're drunk." I whisper. "I'm buzzed!" I shake my head. "No, you're drunk." I help her up and she goes into the bathroom. Once she walks out she goes over to the food. "I want a baby." She whispers. "Like right now?" I ask taken off guard. "I don't know!" She says sitting down. "I just want to hold my kid in my arms for the first time. First words, everything!" She says lying back. "Oh my god you're right!" She says looking at me. "I am drunk!" I kiss her. "Get some sleep." I whisper. She nods. "I just want everything!" She whispers. "I'm sorry, I'm just ready for my life to start." She says lying into me. I kiss her cheek. "I'm hungry." She whispers yawning a little. I watch her fall asleep. I never seen her act like this when she's sober, it's kinda funny. She comes off as a tough person, who has a shell, but when she's with me she's definitely not that kind of person!

"Look who finally decided to get out of bed." I say as Toni sits down at the small table. "Yeah, I'm sorry about last night. I did mean what I said last night." She whispers. I take her hands. "You need to get through college. We both do." She nods. "I know, I just was just drunk." She whispers. I push my plate over to her. "I don't want the rest." I smile. "You sure? Because I'll eat this plus some." I nod. "Yes! Now eat."

"You ok?" I ask walking back into the bedroom.  "Yeah! I'm just tired and hung over." She covers her face. "You didn't seam hung over at breakfast." She smiles. "I was still a little drunk." She whispers. I give her some water. "Do you want to go to the beach?" I ask quietly. "Yeah actually." She smiles. "Just in an hour, I need some sleep." I nod.

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