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It's been a few months since Cheryl and I got married. I couldn't be happier. It's Christmas break and we decided to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon and just the break in general we got the honeymoon suite again which was nice. We're lying on the a netting over the water at our room watching the sunset. I trace my finger on her shoulder as I quietly listen to the waves. "I can't wait for college to be over." I whisper. "You only have two more years after this year!" I grin. "Yeah!" I whisper. "Two more years of worrying if I'll flunk out or not." She sits up. "Toni..." I look down. "You're smart! But it's just not the most conventional way." She explains. "Have you thought about being tested for any learning problems?" She ask quietly. I sigh. "No." I whisper. "I think you should." She rubs my shoulder. "I've made it this far." I say quietly. "Barely!" She whispers. "Can we talk about this later?" I ask. "You brought it up." Cheryl tells me. I sit up. "I meant that I couldn't wait so we can start a family! I also kinda feel bad that you're just stuck with me while I'm in school." She straddles me. "I have a job, I go and do my thing while you're at school it's ok. Also we aren't done talking about that." I nod. "I know how you work." She smiles. We lie back down. "How many kids?" She ask quietly. "I just want 1 kid. But I'm down for more but I'll have to stop us at 3." I tell her. "How about 2? Twins run in my family." I nod. "I can do that." I kiss her. "Have you chosen a WMBA team you want to play for after college?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Yeah. Actually, but I can't legally say who..." I trail off. "I'm sorry it's just I can't say anything until it's official which means I have to wait 2 more years." I whisper. "It's fine. Are you happy with who you're gonna choose?" I nod. "Yeah and we'll be able to stay in Riverdale which is nice." I smile. Cheryl sighs. "Toni!" I realize. "Oh shit! You can't say anything!" She smiles. "So New York Liberty?" I nod. "Why not the others?" She ask quietly. "It's closer to home, when I met the head coach and I liked her and I got the best deal." I tell her. "Also I really don't want to go to San Francisco or Florida!" I add. She smiles. "Are you sure?" I nod. "Yeah!" She looks at me. "No." I stop for a second. "Maybe!" I panic. "It's going to be ok!" I nod. "We really need to be more clear on the whole non alcoholic drinks thing. Even though I turn 21 in 2 days." I say realizing the hotel keeps sending us champagne after I send it back. "They have to run out sometime soon." Cheryl whispers. "Yeah but I'll call down tomorrow morning." I say quietly. I look at my wife and smile. I look up at the sky and let my mind wonder. "Whatcha thinking about?" Cheryl snaps me out of my thoughts. "You and now much I love you." I feel her smile against me. "Smooth Topaz!" She looks up. "I know you were thinking about basketball." She smiles. "You start to talk quietly to yourself about plays or whatever the official basketball language is." She tells me. "I do?" She nods. "Yeah!" She lies back onto me. "I guess I was thinking about basketball." I say quietly. "You have no idea what you were thinking about sometimes, do you?" I shake my head. "Yeah. We all know I have a shitty memory."


I wake up to Toni talking on the phone. "When is the funeral?" She ask quietly. I shoot up. "Yeah! I'm sorry man. I'll talk to you later." She hangs up. "Everything ok?" I ask quietly. She tosses her hand on the bed. "No, umm... Fangs' mom, she died last night. He called us last night but we were asleep." She explains trying to process this. "The funeral gonna be after we get back so we don't have to worry." She sits down next to me. I rub her back. "I'm guessing Fangs told you that this can't ruin our trip." She nods. "Yeah! I just need a moment. I'm gonna jump into the shower." She gets up. "And no, for once I don't want company." I nod and lie back down and go back to sleep for a bit. "Cher!" I wake back up to Toni right on top of me. "Mhm?" I look at her. "I have an idea." She smiles. "Five more minutes." I whisper rolling over. "Cheryl this is why you shouldn't go back to sleep." She whispers. "Let's go to breakfast and than I'll tell you what I think we should do today!" She says lying on top of me. "Tell me what you want to do today." I smile. "There's a helicopter-." I stop her. "No! You're lucky you got me on a plane." She nods. "There's a cool waterfall not that far from here we can go to relax." She suggest. I smile. "We can just relax here." I whisper. "I wanna get out of the room and explore." I nod. "Than let's, we can go to the waterfall thing let's explore while we do that." I suggest. "I can do that." She kisses me. "Now can you get off me, I'm in the most awkward position." I say. She gets off me. "We were in a lot weirder positions last night!" I hit her shoulder. She laughs. "Let's go to breakfast. The buffet is only open for another 20 minutes." I quickly get dressed and we go to the dinning area. "This place is a lot nicer than that place we stayed at on our trip to Maine." She says. "That was different." I say quietly. "Wait you are talking about the motel we went to before the cabin right?" She nods. "Of course." She goes over to the waffle maker. "You can only have 2!" I say. "Why?" She ask quietly. "You threw up yesterday after you inhaled the 6 you had that morning." She grins. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that." I smile. "You're the weirdest person ever why did I marry you?" She pulls me closer. "Because I'm your weirdest person ever." I nod. "Yeah!" I kiss her. "Excuse me?" We look over and see a young girl maybe 7 at the oldest. "Hi!" I say. She looks at Toni. "Are you Toni Topaz?" Toni looks at me. "She didn't ask me." I whisper. "Yeah!" She smiles. "Wow!" The little girl smiles happily. "Anything else?" Toni ask quietly. She girl hands her a napkin and sharpie. "I watched you play, you seemed really cool." Toni takes the napkin and sharpie and sighs it. "Keep that for when I'm famous! That's the first autograph I've ever done." Toni says smiling. "Thank you!" The girl hugs Toni. "Sweetheart come on!" The girls mom says, she smiles and skips away. Toni sits there for a second. "Wow!" I watch her process what just happens. "You're gonna have to do that a lot soon!" I say quietly. "Yeah!" We sit down and eat. "Oh my god! I'm starting to get recognized in public." She whispers. "You're not gonna get used to it." She nods. "I know." She whispers. "I forgot coffee." She gets up and grabs some. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "That was weird." She says. "Eat up!" I say taking a piece of her waffles. We quickly eat our food and go on our adventures.

We're at the waterfall and it's calm here. I swim over to Toni. "You're still not over it are you?" I ask quietly. "A lot happened today, it's a little overwhelming." I kiss her. "Yeah." I nod. "But it's ok. Everything will be ok." I whisper. "I tired calling my mom but it's like 2 am at home." I smile. "Let's swim." I kiss her. "I love you baby." I whisper. "I love you too." She smiles.

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