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I run into the bathroom. Cheryl jumps a little. "Sorry!" I whisper. "What's up?" She ask quietly. "So you know that film I made in high school that I never told you about?" I ask realizing I never brought it up. "I made it before we met." I say quietly. "What about it?" She ask. "Well, for some reason it got summited to a film Festival and for some reason they nominated!" I say excitedly. "For what?" She ask confused. "An award..." Cheryl nods. "Duh!" She laughs. "You really don't care do you?" She shrugs. "Not my thing. I'm really happy for you! I just don't get it." I smile. "I love you." She whispers pulling her closer. "I love you too." I kiss her. "I have to go to work, we can celebrate tonight." She winks. "Unless you don't want to." She plays with my jacket. "Oh no! I do! It's just, it's more for you then me." She kisses me. I smile and kiss her back. "I have to go, will you be ok at home?" She ask quietly. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask confused. "Because when you're left alone bored you get into trouble!" I shrug. "I have a game to finish." I tell her. "You're gonna sit in front of the Tv and play video games for hours on end?" I nod. "Ok, but can you make dinner?" She ask quietly. "If you mean order a pizza, than yes!" She rolls her eyes. "We all know I can't cook! I either undercook or burn food! I ruined cereal!" She kisses me."I'll be home around 5." She whispers before leaving. I take a deep breath and go to the tv and play some video games. I don't really know how much time goes by but Veronica comes home. "When did Cheryl leave?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "A few hours ago." I whisper. "What time?" She ask more specifically. "Around 11." I say. She pauses my game. "What time is it now?" I ask quietly. "She's gonna be home in 10 minutes." I panic. "I already called for Pizza don't worry." She whispers grabbing a controller and sitting down. "Where were you?" I ask quietly. "I had business." She whispers.

"You ok?" I ask Cheryl after a long night of sex. "Yeah! I just had a long day, but this helped me relax." She whispers. "What happened?" I ask quietly. She sighs. "Crazy moms! One kid came in and kept asking me about artist just to answer his own questions!" She says really knowing what to do about it. "Did he give you a chance to answer?" She shakes her head. "He didn't give me time to embarrass myself!" She insist. "You wanted to embarrass yourself?" She nods. "You're so weird." I whisper. "I know but you love me for that." I smile. "I definitely love you for your weirdness." I tell her. She kisses me. The door opens. "Veronica! Boundaries!" I throw a shoe at her. "You're dad called!" She says. "Is everything ok?" I ask sitting up. She shrugs. "I don't know. He just called saying he needed to talk to you, I didn't ask any questions. But he sounded panicked." She explains. "He's on hold right now." I nod. For some reason this apartment came with home phones and my dad is old so he takes advantage of that. I pick up the phone in our room. "Hey! It's me." I say, not being prepared to hear anything he's about to say knowing it's to good.

I walk into the hospital. "What happened?" I ask immediately. "Is she ok?" I ask not letting my dad get a word out. "She's ok! She's still in surgery but she's gonna be ok!" I nod. "What happened?" I ask quietly. "I don't know! I came here and called you. They think she was driving home and a drunk driver almost hit her and she drove into a tree!" I sit down and take a deep breath. "Where's Fangs?" I ask realizing he's not here. "He went on a road trip with the Keller kid." I nod. Cheryl walks in. "Is everything ok?" She ask. Dad nods. Cheryl sits next to me. I lie into her as she rubs my back. I don't really do or say anything. "I feel like I interrupted something." Dad says awkwardly. I look at Cheryl. "No..!" We both say lying through our teeth. He walks away. "Just a really intense conversation about how much we love each other." I whisper for only her to hear. I look at her. "I love you and I know you have to go to work tomorrow, so you can go back if you want." I whisper. "I explained what happened, I have the day off, but I didn't get Friday off so I will have to go back for that." I nod. She pulls me closer. A nurse comes out and calls for us. "She's out of surgery, she's in her room sleeping, I wouldn't recommend waking her she's still under anesthesia. If you want to talk to her to help her wake up you should keep it positive." I nod. "Can we go see her?" I ask quietly. "Yeah!" She says. "Room 2B." I immediately go to the room mom is in. I sit down on a chair next to her. "I was told to keep this positive. I'm just gonna catch you up since I haven't really talked to use since I moved away." I explain. "Cheryl and I have had a few dates since we moved. She got a job! I have almost killed Veronica almost everyday." I tell her. "Cheryl got a job and some kid kept asking her questions but had the answers, I don't know you decided to get into a car accident before I could really find out what happened." I whisper. "We are talked about having kids, Cheryl really concerned about being able have kids." I say quietly. "She's afraid that if we adopt, they will think she's not emotionally stable enough to have a kid! And she scared that we wouldn't be able to actually conceive. For all we know both of us are unable to. I honestly don't want to physically have a kid because of basketball but I think if it comes to that than I will have to make a decision and honestly I don't know what I'm gonna do! But you know, hopefully it doesn't come to that." I ramble. I look over at her. "I love her more than anything. I just worry about her sometimes, she had her training day and came home and didn't get out of bed until the next night when I had to drag her out." I whisper. "You're not gonna be able to give me advice right now." I says sadly. "I love her so much, honestly I don't know what she sees in me. I've never been this crazy about someone." She smiles a little. "Mom?" Her eyes slowly opens. "Have you been listening to me the whole time?" She nods. "Yeah, you- you were ahh word vomiting, so I just let it happen until you started being cute." She says slowly. I smile. "I'm gonna get dad." I start getting up. "No, I just want to talk to you for a minute." She whispers. I sit back down. "Can you grab the remote for the bed first?" I nod and hand it to her, she slowly tries to figure out what button to press. "Why is there so many? Last time I checked it was just an up and down button." She whispers. "Here, I got it." I grab it and help her. "Thank you." She smiles. "How do you know how to use these? You're never in the hospital." She ask quietly. "I'm not always admitted to this place, but I have a girlfriend who is probably here for the first time in about 2 years not for herself." She nods. "Even those she quickly goes to psych but that's after they do yet another test on her." I say sadly. "I sometimes think the test make her more depressed. She's had to do them so many times." I whisper. "Is she doing better in Connecticut?" Mom ask quietly. I shrug. "I really don't know. I think she is but she definitely misses this place." I explain. "Not the hospital! The town!" I clarify. "I know." Mom smiles. "When are you two getting hitched?" She ask needing an answer. " than we thought we... would." I say awkwardly. "You sure?" She ask concerned. "Yeah actually. I would do anything to marry her." I whisper. "I love her more than anything else in the world, I don't know what I would do without her." I tell her.

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