Stay with me

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"No!" I stop Fangs who's flipping through channels on the tv. "It's the other way." I smile. He passes the channel with Friends on it. "No!" Toni takes the remote from him. "Idiot!" She hits the back of his head and sits next to me as we watch tv and eat. "Toni?" She looks at me. "Yeah." She whispers. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." She nods. "It's not your fault. I fucked up you had to deal with the aftermath." She whispers. "I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you but I do want to try us again." I whisper. "I really didn't mean to." Toni whispers. "I know, but the thought of it." She nods.


"Wait so what happened between you and Cheryl?" Fangs ask after we walk out of the hospital. "We got into a really bad fight and it I got drunk. I don't really know what happened exactly but I ended up almost having sex with some random girl." I whisper. "Can I ask you something?" I nod. "Do you think your parents would be ok with me crashing there for a bit? My mom is dealing with some stuff and I can't be there while it's happening it's too much." I nod. "Yeah. You're my brother no matter what." I tell him. "Let's go home." I whisper.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yell. "I brought an idiot!" I add putting my bag down. "Mom?" I walk into the kitchen. "I'm in the bathroom! And dad is still at work." I nod and look at Fangs. Mom walks out a few minutes later. "So you're the idiot." She smiles and hugs Fangs. "What brings you here?" She ask quietly. "My mom is going through some stuff and it's just too much for me and she kinda threw me out. I don't really have any where else to go and I figured since you know since Toni and I share a dad I could stay here for a few days, but I can find somewhere else to go!" He insist. Mom shakes her head. "I may hate your mother because she took my husband for a year but you're a good kid! You can stay here as long as you need. You're always welcome here." She smiles. "Thank you." Fangs whispers. "Do you have any bags or anything?" He shakes his head. "I have my gym clothes in my locker that's it." She nods. "You can borrow some of your dads old clothes they might be a little big and you'll look like a lumberjack, but it's something until you can get some of your clothes." He nods. "I can go and buy new stuff." Mom shakes her head. "No! You don't, go buy some underwear because you need your own and some other stuff but you'll be fine we'll get your old clothes." He hugs mom. "Thank you." He whispers. She nods. "You're the son I never had. Sorry Toni." I smile and shrug. "I'm not a dude so I'm not as offended as I should be." I smile. "Go get comfortable." Mom whispers to Fangs. "The guest room should be unlocked. He goes upstairs. "How's Cheryl?" Mom ask quietly. "She umm... she's a little fragile but she's going to be ok. She doesn't really want to be alone but visiting hours were ending and I'm not considered family." I explain. "I really fucked up mom." I whisper. "If I was in her shoes I would have slapped you." I nod. "It wouldn't be the first." I whisper. "What?!" I put my hands up in defense. "I gave her permission to slap me if I stepped out of line! And I have like when I broke up with her because I was stressed and showed up to school for homecoming." I explain. "You guys are weird." Mom whispers. "I know." I smile. "How's Veronica doing?" I shrug. "She's good! She's going through another break up with Archie!
But they'll be back together next week." I whisper. "I hate them together but I hate dealing with Veronica when they break up!" I sigh. "Why do you hate them together?" She ask smirking a little. "Because I have to deal with her talking my ear off about how much she loves Archie and wants to marry him! I think they should break up and get over each other and wait for Betty to be single and they can fight over her!" I joke about the last part. "I haven't decided who I want to ship." Mom nods. "Are you my kid?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I smile and hug her. "Honey! I'm home!" Dad yells and walks into the kitchen. "Toni!" He smiles. "What are you doing here?" He ask concerned. "Stuff with Cheryl." I say. He nods. "Right." He whispers. "Fangs is upstairs." I tell him. "Ok!" He hugs me. "I'll go talk to him in a minute. You guys hungry?" I shake my head. "I just ate." I whisper. "I'm gonna go mope." I go upstairs. I walk into Fangs' new room. "Fangs!" He looks at me. "What happened?" I ask quietly. "What do you mean?" He ask sitting up. "Why are you not with your mother?" I ask. "My mom, found out that I was gay, she didn't kick me out but, she wasn't happy so I got out before it got bad." He whispers. "Why didn't you just say that?" I ask quietly. "Because I don't want to talk about it." He says. I nod. "Please don't tell them." He begs. "Fangs, you know I can't do that." I whisper. "Why?" He ask. "Have you met me? I can't keep secrets!"

I walk into Cheryl's hospital room. "Hey." I smile. "I picked up your mail." I say placing a envelope on her bed. "It's from Brown." I whisper. She takes a deep breath. "I thought you didn't want to go to college?" She shrugs. "I still this is my back up college." She says like it's nothing. "Ba-back up?" I question. "Yeah!" She smiles. "I got into Yale, Cornell, I think Harvard and Colombia. Those were the ones I got excepted to a few others offered me scholarships but I turned them down and I was rejected to a few." She says again like this is a normal thing. "You- you- back up?" She shrugs. "You realize I jumped a grade! I'm taking college classes and getting college credit for them." I take a deep breath. "Right! You're a nerd." I smile. She opens it and reads it. "Oh..." She says sadly. "What?!" I look at her. "You didn't get in?" She shakes her in. "No! I got in! I just don't really want to go there." I roll my eyes. "I don't get you!" I say slightly jealous. "The only reason I got into any school was for basketball." She rubs my back. "I'm really happy for you and I know you don't have to go to college but I think you should think about going." Cheryl looks down. "College isn't for me though, I just don't think I can handle it." She whispers. "What makes you think you can't handle something you're already doing?" I ask sitting up on her bed so I'm facing her. "At school, the teachers understand that I can't go to class everyday in college the professors expect you to go every day and they expect if you don't go to know what they taught." She whispers. "Well, I think you can figure something out, you know I bet they'll understand that you can't come to school everyday." I tell her. "You suck at advice!" She says. I nod. "Oh yeah!"

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