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We walk into one of the apartments we're looking at today. "I don't hate this." I say to Cheryl. "There's a gym downstairs and a pool with a hot tub." She whispers. "Oh!" I smile awkwardly. She smiles. "I don't mean that." She whispers. "Have you told your mom?" She ask quietly. "No but dad knows." I whisper. "So actually now that I think about it she probably knows." I add. We walk into room with a bathroom. "We have our own bathroom but this one doesn't have a shower." She whispers. "I'll take the other room." Veronica says startling me a little, I kinda forgot she was on this trip with us. "I love it." I say smiling like an idiot. "We haven't looked at any other apartments." Cheryl takes my hands. "Well, this one is at the top of the list." I kiss her. "You'll like the other ones." She smiles. "You guys are gross." V walks out. We leave and go to the next apartment. It's further way from school so I don't like it. We walk into yet another apartment. "The kitchen is to small." I say immediately. "Why does that matter?" Veronica ask confused. "Because-." I think for a second. "Yeah you're right." I say looking down. We look around for a bit longer. "I don't like it." Veronica says walking out of the bathroom. "It's not close enough to school." I add. "It's a 30 minute drive and that's without traffic." I look at Cheryl. She looks down. "Damn, I should have done the math sorry." She whispers. I smile. "It's ok." I whisper. "It's kinda tight anyways." She says trying to compromise. I look at Veronica and she just shakes her head. "Yeah, we can't make it work." I say. "I'm sorry baby." I kiss her cheek. "Maybe the next one." I reassure her. "Yeah!" She smiles. We go to the next apartment and it's closer which is nice. "Can we paint the walls?" I ask noticing how boring they look. "Yeah." We look around. "I like it." I say. We all nod. "There is just one problem." Veronica says. "The walls." Cheryl whispers. "Red!" V and I shake our heads. "No!" We both say. Cheryl hits my chest. "Maybe our bed can be red and we can figure something out with the walls." I suggest. "Whipped!" V coughs. "I think you're coming down with bitch disease." I smile. She flips me off. "Let's look at some other places-." Cheryl stops me. "No, this the closest to the school! You can can walk there! It's affordable! We all like it, besides the walls and it's the only one that comes with furniture! We'll have a gym, a pool and a jacuzzi. We can make it work." She suggests. "Oh my god we're adults!" I say. "That's like the 3rd time you've said that, today!" I smile. "Yeah and I'm gonna keep saying that." I whisper.

It's been a few weeks and we moved in our apartment. I lie next to Cheryl on the couch that really isn't that comfortable. "What about your house?" I ask her. She smiles. "Well, I still have it because I don't want to let go of it." She whispers. "We can stay there instead of my parents house." I tell her. She smiles. "Yeah that sounds nice." I say looking at my girlfriend. "What are you gonna do here?" I ask quietly. "I have a job interview tomorrow! It's at a music store even though I don't know anything about music." I smile and kiss her. "You'll do fine! What kind of music store?" I ask. "Records, all that fancy stuff." She says. "Yeah you are screwed." I whisper. She looks at me. "I can do it!" She whispers. "Oh yeah! But you'll need help." I smile. "You know nothing about music too!" She insist. "Yeah, but we have a roommate who listens to more music than the people who work in radio stations." We both look over at Veronica in the kitchen. She looks at us. "What?" She ask confused. "Well, Cheryl here, needs help with her musical knowledge!" I say. "O-ok." She smiles. "Mostly 60's to 90's music!" Cheryl says quietly. Veronica smiles. "Right up my ally." She says. I look at Cheryl. "See! You'll get it." I smile.

"How did it go?" I ask Cheryl as she walks into the room. She sighs and lies in the bed face down. "Oh god! Do I have a to comfort you?" I ask kind of scared of the answer. "No!" She muffled from the pillow. "I just have to wait until they call me! Than you might have to." She says. I nod. "Cool, so are you gonna be happy or sad if you don't get it?" I ask confused. "I worked really hard for it, I don't think I worked hard enough, this will be the first time I've failed something that wasn't because of my parents. I don't know if it's an accomplishment or sad." I think for a second. "Both." We say at the same time. I smile and kiss her. "No matter what I'm here for you. Even if you fail and look like an idiot doing it." She smiles as I pull her onto my lap. "Don't you have practice?" She ask quietly. "No! Veronica probably just said that so she can go meet Archie somewhere." I say quietly. "What is he doing with his life?" I ask Cheryl. "I think he took over his dads business with his uncle." I nod. "Cool." I smile. "I'm surprised he graduated." She whispers. "I wasn't just helping you." I nod. "I know." I kiss her. "You're amazing." I whisper. "I love you for that." I tell her. "I love you so much." She whispers. We kiss again and it gets heated. "We don't have to do anything." She stops us. "We can." I smile kissing her. "Just close the door, I don't know if and when V is gonna be home."  I whisper. I'm not gonna say what happens. I'll leave that to your imagination, just know it's nothing crazy.

I look at Veronica who's smiling like an idiot. "What?" I ask confused. "You sex." She says. "So?" I ask slightly frustrated with her bull shit. "I thought you hated sex." She smiles. "Yeah but I love Cheryl and she wanted to and we hadn't in a while and I wasn't against it so we did." I explain. "Oh. Yeah I guess that makes sense." I roll my eyes. "When's the wedding?" She ask changing the subject. I don't get her sometimes she does this all the time. "After college." I say quietly. "Why?" I sigh. "Well I don't think either of us are ready." I tell her. "Doesn't that defeat the purpose of getting engaged." I stop and think for a second. "Yeah... but I don't know! We were gonna try to get married before Nana Rose died, but, we didn't have enough time." I whisper sadly. "Usually death makes people want to push stuff like this forward but I wouldn't be surprised if she pushed it back even further." I say slightly pissed off. I'm not mad if Cheryl wants to get married later in life I just want kids. The door opens and Cheryl walks into the apartment. "How was job hunting?" She smiles. "You think I want to push back the wedding?" She ask quietly as she sits on my lap. "N-no, it's just last time I brought up the wedding you didn't really add to it." Veronica walks out. "I'll leave you guys to it." She says going into her room. "I just think you're right." I look at her confused. "The wedding should happen sooner, not the whole fancy thing! I just want to make it official with a few people, we can have a ceremony later." She smiles. I kiss her. "I want my parents there." I whisper. Cheryl nods. "Yeah, of course." She smiles. "But we still should wait a year or two. I want to marry you! But I just think we're still a little too young." I whisper. "Yeah of course." She kisses me. "Why are you guys engaged if you're not even gonna get married any time soon?" Veronica butts in. I look at Cheryl and we think for a second. "Well, it's fun calling her my fiancé!" Cheryl says. "Yeah. Except the fact I still call her my girlfriend." I smile. We get a eye roll from our roommate as she walks back into her room. "I want a kid." I look at Cheryl. "W-what?" She whispers. "Not now!" I say. "After college that can wait." She nods. "How was job hunting? You know, the thing I tried to start this conversation." I ask quietly. "It was fine, I start at the record place next week." I smile. "That's great." I kiss her. "Even though I think I might have another job soon, because they really liked me at that hipster coffee place. Apparently they find it 'hip and cool' that I have red hair. If only they met my family, the boss who I think is a year older than you would have an orgasm." She explains. I laugh quietly. She kisses me. I smile and deepen the kiss. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." She whispers kissing me again. "Are you gonna be ok with work and stuff?" I ask concerned. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "You have really good days and than you got a week not even able to get out of bed. I want you to be free! I want you to have a job and live your life but what happens when you are at your lowest?" I ask quietly. "I already talked to the boss and she said that I would be able to have that time off if I needed it too, I'm not gonna get paid, only because there isn't anything she can do about that but it's ok." I rub her cheek. "You sure?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Speaking of! I need to pick up my prescription!" She remembers. I sigh. "I've told you that you needed to do that! Like, 3 days ago!" I tell her slightly pissed at her. "I know but I've been stressed." She whispers. "Do I need to tattoo it on your arm or something?" I ask joking a little. "No but if you can right it down on a paper or put it into my phone that would be great." I sigh and reach my hand out. "Phone." I whisper. She hands me her phone and I put it into her reminders. "You're gonna get them tomorrow at noon." I explain. She nods. "For someone who's at the top of their class you aren't organized." I say noticing how unorganized her phone is. She smiles. "Yeah, I honestly download games and forget about them." She says slightly embarrassed. "It's cute. But kind of concerning because that means neither of us are organized." I whisper. "Well, we'll be the family that shows up to stuff late and we can blame it on you." I look at her. "What?! I at least pretend to be organized!" I nod. "Yeah, you're right." I agree. I look over to Veronica's door and see it close quickly. "Quit ease dropping!" I throw a shoe at the door. "Do you really care?" Cheryl ask quietly. "No! I just like throwing stuff at her." She rolls her eyes. "I don't get you two!" She gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask as she walks away. "I have to pee!" I nod awkwardly.

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