Dreams on Ramen Stalls, Ch. 13

448 21 11

Bakugo's POV


As I descend hurriedly along the stairs, something seems off.

Is it too weird to ask a girl on a weird date after a weird accident?

I saw the empty doorway of the entrance of the dorm.

As long nobody reminds it, it'll turn out well.


Damn her! Really?!

She skidded at the sudden force I unintentionally gave her. She went off track, circling and spinning; losing control.

She stumbled on the curb, landed on a heap of bush. But her head clang on the metal pole of a lamppost beside it. Her body went limp, unconscious...


Well, it's partially her fault! If landing on top of her and sleeping with her last night wasn't embarrassing enough...

She also heard me talking in my sleep.

About her. In my dream.

Me saying 'that'...

NGUUGHGHGUNGHUUGHHH!!!Seriously! The fuck is wrong with her?!

Now I'm just staring at her body again.

What am I going to do, again?

Removing my skates and gear quickly, I rush towards Not-So-Angel-Face.

Her head, however, is super lucky. Only specks of blood can be seen on her scalp as I remove her helmet. I remove the rest of her rollerskating stuff off her.

Mild scratches on her forehead, a few on her exposed arms (she took off her jacket and scarf when she put on her gear), small tattered or torn leggings; with scrapes on the exposed skin.

Well, her leggings are ruined now.

I grabbed the big blanket and the pillow from my bag harshly and laid those both neatly right under a tree. Carefully, I carried her bridal-style, hoping she better be darn all right.

I don't care if it causes us trouble anymore.

I placed her on the blanket, her head resting on the comforting pillow. Plucking away the sticks, leaves and twigs from her hair; brushing off the dirt from her face.

Carrying all our stuff next and placing it around her, I hurriedly took out the first aid kit from my bag, cleaned her wounds especially on her head, and wrapped it with bandages.

She's in a mess because of me.

I was a mess because of her.

We're both a mess.

Then, I hear her breathing slowly. She moves only a little but loud grunts can be heard, conveying she's hurt.

And her stomach growling.

I saw a ramen stall literally just six feet away to the left from us, recently just opened.

I look at the time.


The 'owner' must've seen us, because his face shows shock, worrying about us.

I went to him, leaving her behind temporarily with our bags somehow cushioning her.

His stall is one of my 'favorite' stalls on the park. Aside from its delicious set of menu, he's the only vendor that can...

Tolerate me, somehow.

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