Deleted Scenes

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It might take a while for the epilogue. If you guys want some more, here you go.

Ch. 1. Remembering First Impressions

Deku's response to Uraraka's confession.

Uraraka-san, I know it may sound weird because we're just friends, but I have feelings for you too. From the moment we met, it soon developed. It became stronger as we grew with each other, side-to-side. We always help each other out. Thank you for noticing my worth. For that, I love you.

Reasons why it didn't make it:

too much reveal; no interesting story after that

Ch. 2 What Do You See in Me?

Complete response of Bakugo's opinion towards Deku.

Cheering her up is the least I can do, considering Deku's affection on her, it's almost the same, but truer. I know I must stop lying to myself about it, but I can't let him confess to her yet. For Uraraka's sake and mine. She's still confused. She doesn't know what to do yet. And if you said I love you to her, she would mostly say yes. Because being the nice girl she is, she tries not to hurt other's feelings. And being dense as ever, she would also said yes back, thinking she would also feel the same way towards him and would likely grow if they keep each other's company. But its not like that, Angel Face. When it comes to confessing, you already had that feeling. So not yet.

Reasons why it didn't make it:

too long, too much reveal, too bland in narration

Ch. 7. Arrangements on our Estrangement

After the fight.

Kirishima Ejirou's POV
'Make sure he's okay!'

The last thing I saw on the scene was Uraraka rushing towards Bakugo's room, following him when he also walked out.

In the meantime, our classmates was pre-occupied on the remaining person left on the scene...


It's weird that Uraraka left us with a beaten and bruised Midoriya despite being as her best friend.

What happened here?

The latter is proven unconscious, didn't even dare to move despite the uncomfortable position Bakugo somehow put him.

My classmates, without a moment to lose, rush in to aid Midoriya. Some already has a first aid kit Yaomomo created. They grabbed the materials inside it, helping him depending on what object they're holding. The ones holding a cloth cleans the bleeding on his head and left shoulder, cuts on his arms, and the blood staining kinda thickly on the other parts of his skin. When that's over, the others holding the alcohol and betadine soon sanitize the wounds on some parts of his body. Despite being drown in alcohol, Midoriya only winced in pain a few times, mostly mildly.

So manly...

The ones holding the gauze and the bandages fixes him after being cleaned and sanitize, even though there are a few blood drops staining his shirt. They set him off in a comfortable position before wrapping him completely like a mummy.

Or just his arms, his almost dislocated shoulder and back, and his head...and a few bandages on his thighs.

The process went smoothly, following Yaomomo's distinct and precise instructions very well the job has been finished less than 15 minutes. The others like me that did nothing but stared since not all of us got a hold of the materials. The rest who didn't help carried him to the elevator, Kaminari and I carrying the upper half of his body while Iida go for his legs.

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