Let's meet

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"Love has all the potential
To make you feel extraordinary"

10:45pm, Radio was on play. I lay by the side of window in my bed. Night sky was clear and full moon lit up the sky. I had my first kiss today and this feeling is weird and good at the same time. How is Ayushmann, should I call him to ask if he is better now. May be no it's late and if his phone is not around.
Feeling uneasy and not sleepy I stepped out into the balcony to have some cool air.
How lovely does moist garden's mud smell at night. Everything about this night is so beautiful, the moon, the stars and these wild roses. Wish you were here Ayushmann. Hope you get well soon.

Stop thinking so much Preet, go to sleep you've college tomorrow, brain reminds.

Few minutes later, knock! Knock!
Is someone knocking the balcony's door? Or is it wind?
Knocks again but now someone is whispering! God! Who's it? Is it a thief?! Should I check or just lay here.

I went near the door with a metal vase to hear. I heard, "Preet, preet! Are you in there?" Knocks again.

Ayushmann? Shall I open the door and what's he doing here at this hour? If someone finds him here, he's going to be in great trouble. I started biting my nails.

Finally I gathered up courage and opened the door. "Preeeeet!" Ayushmann hugs, "I was missing you baby. You're alright, no? I mean that morning incident would've caused you stress"

"I'm fine Ayushmann, but your grip is hurting me"

"Oh sorry, I was just anxious", Ayushmann says with a hesitation.

"How did you find my home? Niharika too doesn't know my locality."

"Really, Preet? Will you not ask me to come in and sit calmly and have rest of the talk?"

"Come in?! If someone sees you it's going to kill us both! We can talk tomorrow in park, what say?"

"I'm not going anywhere, now move let me see my girl's room, or are you scared that I'll complain about your room being dirty?", Laughs Ayushmann.

"My room's always clean and tidy, I'm scared if someone finds you here, it'll create a scene."

"If I make a noise then they'll catch me ma'am", laughs Ayushmann. "Don't worry I'll be as quiet as a cat."

I closed the balcony's door and increased the radio's volume so no one can hear our conversations. "Now tell me what you wanted to say. And also the major reason for you to be here at this hour"

Taking my hand in his, "I missed you Preet. I was worried if the morning's incident left any impact on you which can be no good, so I came over to check if you're alright. Don't get me wrong about what happened in the Sport's department either. It just happened."

"I'm alright, you needn't worry now. Thank you. It's okay, it happens sometimes", I said in an assuring voice. "How did you find my home? Niharika too had no idea. Yes! Does Niharika know about you coming here?"

"I had been to college office last week for some certificate issue, I saw your name there and address too, and this how I'm here. In the mid I lost the way or I would be here 30 minutes ago".

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