New Place, new life

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Delhi is unlike any other city in India, all because it's a hub of cultures from every corner of the world and popular for street food, be it Chhole Bhature, Kulchas, Golgappas, Dahi Bhalle, Tikki, Naan, Mughlai, etc. Delhi is divided into two- Delhi, referred to the old part of the city, popular for wholesale markets & non vegetarian dishes and New Delhi, the main of the city from where Central & State Governments and embassies operate.

Having a come back to my hometown, Delhi through job and a Government House was a matter of greatness in our family. Somewhere I was treated superiorly by most of my relatives, even those who never gave me a damn.

Working in Government sector isn't a joke it is but to handle a great responsibility. Somewhere, even a small contribution done by you is contributed to the nation, just as rain droplets contribute to a big water body.

Working at Rashtrapati Bhawan is a dream come true. For the first few weeks we freshers were sent for a training period inorder to get well versed with our work. Honestly it was fun when we were out for field work but the other trainings were dry just like Physical Chemistry, too much logic and imagination but practically tough to imply.

"Files over files", I sighed taking one.

"You're new so you say that, years later you'll be juggling with these files", Mr.Kumar the senior most officer jokes after seeing me pressurized by the number of files kept on my table.

I smirked rather replying anything.

"First day, isn't it?"

"Yes sir, how di....".

Lost in his world of thoughts, Mr.Kumar said, "I too had the same reaction when I joined. I hated my table and sometimes I used to mess up cases with their respective files."

Hopefully I'm not gonna do that. "Oh, how did you manage then?"

"Time is a great teacher, without it lessons of life is void".

My eyes sparkled after having listened to such a phrase. Woah! Someone made a great statement. "I'll adapt this philosophy Sir, it'll help me excel with my success".

My mind caught that statement and was now on a repeat mode. Time is a great teacher, without it lessons of life is void.

He smiled and went on rounds to check other employees. My mind again on repeat mode played the same scene again and again.
Day after day, I grew more busier but Ayushmann's thoughts didn't fade anyhow.

Nights were harder, it was time for all the beautiful memories of balcony to cherish when Ayu used to sneak secretly inside my room at nights.

Miss you my Gym freak.

Present day,

Mihika out of curiosity, "Dadiji was it not a hindrance in your bond with Ayushmann? Government job is hectic, isn't it?"
"No dear, it isn't as hectic as people think. It wasn't after all, this transfer of mine made a beautiful gateway to our bond."


Ayushmann's transfer was almost confirmed when the old Mr.Swaminathan rejected his file.

"Hey buddy, Swami rejected your transfer file", Nikhil said.

"Fuck! But why? I gave him a valid reason too".

"Go ask him man. And yeah, he is looking for you".

"What for?"

"I don't know dude. May be you should go, he seemed angry".

"Angry?" There's Preet's memories on one side and this boss on the other. I feel stuck.

I knocked the door and my boss, Mr. Swaminathan as huge as a hippopotamus was busy with his Rubik's cube. That cube in his hands is a sign he is as frustrated as any man who has been dealing with constipation.

"May I come in Sir?"

"Yes, yes Mr. Malhotra. I was just waiting for you", Swaminathan made a sly face looking into a pink file.

Wait isn't that the same file I was working on? I'm sure there's an error made in my auditing.

"Nikhil said you called me Sir, what's the matter?".

"I went through your application for transfer, I was convinced with the reason you gave until this pink file distracted me", Swaminathan's eye brows raised. "How can you be so careless Malhotra. Have a look at the balance sheet, umm...... sheet number 07?

After having a look at the sheet I was totally pissed. But I chose not to react, because I want my transfer done no matter what.
"Yes Sir there's an error. I'm sorry, I'll make another one, without an error."

After a silence of few seconds Swaminathan chose to speak, "Ayushmann, Delhi is waiting for you in the coming month. Start looking for a house there and yes, I see to it that you be promoted soon for your dedication towards work".

His words and grinned face turning to a smile, took me to the ninth cloud! I wanted to hug him right away! A tight one, but stereotypical behaviour refrained me from doing.
I chose to be calm and show no happiness that I was feeling deep inside.
"Thank you, Sir", I smiled and left the cabin.

Absorbed deep into Preet's thoughts and her million dollar smile, I'm coming, there's nothing that can stop us now. And yeah, my reward too hehehe.
Shit! How can I forget that file! Run Ayushmann run, gotta finish this work soon! Delhi's calling you and Preet too!
Miss you, pretty lady.

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