Chapter 1

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Oliva was a sweet girl in her 20's. She grew up in a sheltered home with her 2 sisters and got engaged to her childhood sweetheart. That is until she found out that he had cheated on her with another man. That night he had popped the question when she noticed a text from someone on Alex's phone. Being curious why it said I love you she checked it when he went to go get the check. It had turned out that he had been having an affair for 3 months. When he came back, all hell broke loose. Now, she walked outside trying not to cry. Olivia walked. She walked as far as her legs could take her away from the man who had betrayed all her trust. She somehow found herself at Maritellies, a bar she often visited. The red lights seem dimmer than usual but what doesn't when your heart gets broken.

Olivia opened the door slipping inside ready to just drink until her problems seemed dim. But instead of being met with the loud sound of people chatting and music playing she was met with silence. "hello?" she said aloud wondering if they were just having a slow night or something. It was odd for a bar to be empty at this time of night so she walked around to the back. Instead of meeting the bartender's friendly face to ask if they were closed, she was met with his dead body on the floor and 7 men in black suits holding guns. They looked just about as shocked as she was.

"I..umm.. I'll come back." Olivia backed up. She had to get out of there. So, being as polite as possible, she turned and sprinted her ass out of that place.

"Lucas got her. now." one of the guys barked

A tall man with curly brown hair chased after her. He was less.... Stronger than the rest but he was dressed nicer. He had a kinder face.

"Hey where's a pretty miss like you going so soon"

Olivia was terrified; she knew he looked nice but with what she had just seen she didn't know what he was capable of. He grabbed her arm and pulled her inside bringing a finger to his lips telling her to be quiet.

After they got back into the restaurant, she felt a bump on the head and everything went black. When Olivia finally opened her eyes she had a killer headache. Remembering what happened she panicked feeling that she was restrained and in an unfamiliar little room.

"Boss is going to kill us" one of the mysterious guys whispered to the man that had grabbed her.

"Ah you're awake good." he smiled "my name is Lucas. I am sorry but you are going to have to stay with us for a while but, if you promise to be good there is a hot shower, some new clothes and some aspirin waiting for you in the other room where you will be staying."

Lucas smiled at her reassuringly as she slowly nodded her head. Olivia was a tad confused but was compliant as he untied her and led her to the room. It was a beautiful plush bedroom with a big plush bed in the middle, a closet stocked full of clothes, and a beautiful spacious bathroom. This got her wondering. Who were these people?? Before doing anything she watched Lucas leave and put her ear to the door.

"Tell me again why we don't just kill h-" a voice was cut off by Lucas.

"We are not killing her! She is innocent." Lucas stated loud and clear.

Embarrassed thinking he probably knew she was listening to she walked over, took the aspirin, and went to check out the shower. After a nice hot shower, she had almost forgotten she was being kidnapped. This thought scared her but she knew if she were to freak out and cause problems the likelihood of her surviving this was close to none. She rummaged through the closet next to find something she could fit in. she settled on a simple black dress that was a little snug on her hips but worked anyway. A few minutes later a loud voice came out of nowhere with the sound of a slamming door.

"WHY THE HELL DIDN'T U LOCK THE DOORS" the voice yelled.

Olivia heard Lucas whisper something and the voice thanked him. Then there were footsteps to the door. She didn't know who or what to suspect so she sat up straight on the bed and grabbed one of the pens laying on the counter. Just in case. Olivia was surprised as a tall handsome guy walked into her. He had rugged stubble on his face and had dark brown eyes. He couldn't have been more than 20 years old like her and his hair was a curly floppy mess that gracefully framed his face. Not to mention he was built like someone who worked out every day of his life. He surveyed her with his piercing eyes and she didn't know quite how to feel. His face was harsh and unforgiving and a part of her knew he may kill her.

"What do u want" she meekly spit out.

The man just looked her up and down and without any change of expression said: " She may be useful."

As he leaves Lucas smiles "That's Liam, he's a little grumpy now but, I know he'll warm up to you."

After Lucas left Olivia had sat in her room for 20 minutes thinking about everything that had just happened to her. She just got engaged, found out she was cheated on, walked in on a murder, and kidnapped. It had to be somewhere around midnight when Liam walked back into her room.

"Hello, I usually would have killed you by now but luckily for you, I don't take a liking to killing innocent women. So you have 2 choices. Come with me, live here, work for me and have everything in your life taken care of, or leave and never ever mention us again or you will be killed."

Olivia nodded slowly and got up. The sensible thing would be to leave but where would she go? She couldn't go back to her home because she knew Alex would be there waiting and her family... well, that was a whole situation she didn't want to deal with. Olivia was a sensible woman and she knew how to handle herself but at this point in her life, she thought. "What do I have to lose?"

Liam led her to a black limo and they climbed in. She didn't know where they were going and frankly, she was too shy to ask. They pulled up to a high scale restaurant that was packed full of high profile figures and people she didn't recognize.

"Hey, guys!" Lucas smiled when he saw Liam was with Olivia.

They sat down and discussed what she would be doing for them.

"So basically the description of your job is just to help us as an undercover agent when we need you, seducing people, distracting, things like that. Your job won't put you at much risk and you won't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. It's not like we kill people often so most of the time you'll just be at home at the manor or training at the warehouse." Liam said, actually smiling for once. He had a soft smile, there was a certain kind of gentle behind his eyes that she couldn't ignore. They spent the next hour laughing and getting to know each other a little bit more. Somehow, for some reason, Olivia wasn't freaked out anymore. This was the first time in a long time she felt like she belonged.

That night Olivia learned she would be staying at Liam's house, the room she was previously in. It would be the safest place for her. When they got home she jumped into the shower and slipped into a soft silk nightgown. That night she fell asleep faster than ever before. 

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