Ceil Phantomhive?

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I sighed as I stared at my best friend, she was fan-girling about some guy. I shook my head as she grabbed my shoulders.

"Thorn he was dead dropping hot!"

"Oh~and what is this supposed hot mans name?"

I gave her a teasing smile as she huffed. She flipped her red locks and did a dramatic turn.

"It's not like you would find a man attractive let alone have one stare at you!"

"Grell you know why I'm like that."

She gave a slight frown then quickly changed the subject.

"I call him Bassy~ oh but Little Willy is soo handsome~"

I chuckled at her as she hooked our arms together.

"Now then where to go dear?"

"How about that little café?"

She nodded as we walked down the stairs and into the living area.

"Your house is cute."

I chuckled.

"Thank you-I was actually going to remodel it."


I chuckled as I grabbed my keys and leather bound jacket.

"Dear you know how people will react to your...clothing?"

I shrugged.

"I don't really care, this is my American clothing and um you know my job...yeah job."

She sighed as we walked out I locked the door.

"Dear you need another job! I refuse to let you keep doing that job!"

I gave a weak smile.

"Also were going shopping no but's!"

I grumbled as she smiled.

"After the café we're shopping then finding a proper job!"

I shook my head at the red head as we ventured to the café.


"Oh hello Ms.Thorn, Ms. Sutcliff."

I gave the lass a smile.

"The usual Thorn?"

I nodded at a small child, he gave a smile as Grell dragged me to our usual seats.

"Hear you go!"

I thanked the boy and looked to Grell as she began to drink some tea.

"Dear How is he?"

I gave a smile and chuckled.

"He's doing well? Is William looking after him?"

She nodded as I gave a smile and sipped my coffee.

"Why do you like coffee?"

"It taste good."

"That's black coffee."


She sighed and shook her head at my antics. It's not entirely black theirs a bit of sugar...I ate a bit of my pastry and watched as she made a weird face while looking out the window.

"Is something wrong?"

She quickly looked to me and shook her head causing me to raise a brow. I simply shrugged it off and finished my food and drink.

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