Theirs a Bloody Kid Here!?

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I was jut minded my own business about to put my flame thrower on some meat to cook. Then this bloody kid shows up scaring the shit out of me!

"Mr..where's my mamwa?"

I sweat dropped wondering who's kid this is. How in Bloody hell did he or is this a she... no what how did this get in hear!?


I looked to Sebastian and saw a short girl with dark brown hair and porcelain skin. She had mid matched eyes like the boy. But it seemed the green eye was different.

"Axel what are you doing up?"

The child ran to the girl as she gave him a smile and sat the boy to sit on her hip. He buried his face into her hair.

"I got thirsty...but your weren't there."

She gently ran her hands through Axel's long hair.

"Sorry sweetheart."

Sebastian cleared his throat as the two brunettes looked to the tall male.

"This is the new maid, Thorn."

"Oh that makes more sense, but why is the lad hear?"

"This is my son, Axel."

"I'm Fwive!"

She gave a warm smile as he held up five fingers. I gave a smile to the lad as he hugged his mother.

"Oh and this is Tanaka."

She looked down to the elder who held a Japanese style cup.

"It's nice to meet you Tanaka."

He did his "Ho...Ho." Sound and did a smile.

"Okay Miss Thorn, go ahead and get your uniform and will start."

She nodded as he left then Axel spoke.

"Mamwa can I hawve some mwilk?"

"If it's okay with Bard."

He looked to me and smiled.

"Mwister Bard, mway I hawve some mwilk?"

How can I say no to him? I cleared my throat and got a small glass of milk for the boy. Thorn set him down as he shuffled to me taking the glass.

"Thawnk you!"

He went next to Tanaka and sat by him. Thorn chuckled.

"Sweetheart I need to get to work."

He did a nod with the glass to his face, she chuckled and turned to me.

"Um Bard?"

"Yes miss?"

She gave a warm smile, this girl...she's very pretty.

"Do call me Thorn, I'm going to leave Axel in bear. If he wanders off it's okay, other then that he may want to help you. Oh and I do believe Sebastian? May not like you burning the meat."

After that she turned and left.

"Mwister Bard, thawnk you fow the mwilk."

I smiled at the boy as he handed me the glass.

"Imwa gonna gow wander arouwnd. Bwye Bwye!"

I nodded as he went to the door.

"Oh bwye bwye Ta...Tanakwa."

He gave the lad a smile as he walked out. So a kid and maid. Things are sure to get interesting around here.

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