An Explanation

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Before this chapter starts hear is a fair warning. If you are uncomfortable with any of these topics I suggest you skip this page.





"Go ahead I'll listen."

I smiled as he pulled me into his lap. I leaned into the male as he laced his long coal nails through my hair.

"I'm going to say the long version, alright?"

He only nodded as I took a breath then began.

***A Flashback***

Golden hair flowed down her back as an ivory kimono with pure gold held her figure. The golden hair pulled into a gorgeous bun, it made her seem more pure then the driven snow. But we knew it wasn't true, she looked the part of a divine maiden but she was never as pure for what the people saw.


I looked to the golden boy, he had his fathers eyes and the woman's golden hair. He also wore a traditional white kimono with grey pants. While the father wore a navy blue kimono.


I gave a sly grin then he showed his distaste of the fabric and color. I shook my head only to stand on my toes to fix his hair to his liking.

"Thank you, but their is something urgent you need to know."

I raised a brow but the golden woman cut me off. Grabbing my arm and dragging me away from her son. I was soon thrown into her room. I held my stomach letting my shoulders spike in pain at the forceful action. I simply sat on my knees and looked to the golden woman.

"Yes Ma'am?"

She made a sound of distaste then pointed to my stomach.

"I will not repeat myself."

Her voice was made by the heavens but an angel rained it. She was no more pure then one of the women who sell their body to get by.

"Either you come with us and keep that thing and I marry you off to a nobleman. Or you stay with that fool and I kill that mistake now and send you to that freak bleeding and crying then I'll kill him in front of you and have you live until death."

I frowned as she glared down as I spoke.

"May I ask why you would let me keep my child?"

She did a task like noise and pulled the front of the kimono to force me to look at the woman.

"I'm a nice person."

Oh wow you are!?

"You will not touch him."

She released me and nodded.

"Yes he will be left unharmed and you keep the mistake you made with a freak."

I glared at the woman but held my tongue.

"Alright you have a deal I'll stay."

She smirked. Don't worry I'll kill you later.

"Good now go be a proper woman else where."

I stood and walked out. Okay now to plot murder again.


"Get off me!"

I yelled at the man who raised me. He glared and pinned me down.

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